b"TOP 15 MANAGEMENT MAVERICKS OF NORTH AMERICAMEXICOFRANCISCO MORA ECHEGARAY DANIA RENDNGeneral Manager, King SeedsPresident of Semillas del Caribe Board of Directors Attributes: Ambitious, Visionary, Attributes: Visionary, Engaged,Empathetic, Innovative, CommittedEmpathetic, Strategic, EmpoweringNominators said: Dania is an exceptional Nominators said: Francisco spearheadedleader who has steered King Seeds to internal transformation, shifting theachieve a annual growth rate. She has company from a traditional managementguided a team of 25 professionals to suc-approach to a self-managed model. Undercessfully distribute high-quality seeds, establishing King Seeds this structure, teams elect and empower their leaders to makeas a trusted partner. Dania fosters a close-knit environment, decisions. His model fosters a sense of ownership and enhancesensuring everyone feels empowered to suggest improvements. engagement. Francisco is a forward-thinking leader focused onShe promotes continuous learning, embraces technology and long-term outcomes. He actively monitors market trends andensures transparent company operations monitoring. She fosters advocates for ongoing enhancements within the organizationa culture of trust. She developed her own method for identifying to bolster strategy and ensure sustained profitability. Franciscoand recruiting talent, recognizing that traditional hiring processes believes true leadership transcends titles and hierarchy, focusingdont always yield the best results. Dania is an empathetic leader on attitude, passion and soft skills. He voluntarily stepped downwho connects and communicates frankly and directly with her from his CEO role to demonstrate the feasibility of transitioningteam. to the self-management model.More About Dania: With 13 years of industry experience, she has More About Francisco: He is co-CEO and co-founder of Grupodriven the growth of King Seeds. She has an administration and Qualia. He has more 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur.international business degree from the Panamerican University Francisco has implemented the pillars of conscious capitalismof Guadalajara. She has completed courses and certifications, and self-management in his organization, promoting and rec- including a master class in Scaling Up methodology, Strategic ognizing human talent. Since 2021, he has dedicated himself toSales Management and development of management skills at sharing his knowledge to create sustainable abundance. the Monterrey Institute of Technology. JERRY MONK Owner, Warner Seeds JOS MANUEL VILLAVERDE Agronomist, ASPROSAttributes: Dedication, Observant,Attributes: Visionary, Empathetic, Thoughtful, Connector, Encourager Competitive, Strategic, AttentiveNominators said: Jerry has been a sor- Nominators said: Jos stands out as ghum and small grain business leader fora visionary leader. Under his guidance, more than 50 years. He manages busi- ASPROS is competitive with multinational nesses in the United States and Mexico,corporations in the high-value, hybrid-corn addressing each cultures unique challenges. Jerrys motto isseed market. His forward-thinking approach has established God, Family, Work, in that order. He hired a cook to prepareASPROS as a formidable competitor capable of rapidly bringing daily company meals, encouraging employees from differentits innovations to market. His leadership is deeply human-centric. departments to interact without discussing work. This brokeJos is attentive his team members well-being and he actively down barriers, resolved misunderstandings and improvedsupports them during challenges. He proposed strengthening communication and trust. Jerry connects with new employees,the plant breeding program to compete in Mexico's top corn taking them on plot tours and showing them different parts ofseed markets. ASPROS now thrives due to his recruitment of the business.genetic improvement experts and the systematization of the breeding program with advanced equipment, software and More About Jerry: He began his career in 1971, when Jamesmachinery. Pat Patrick hired him for retail sales and seed conditioning. After Pats sudden passing, Jerry managed the business andMore About Jos: He was born in Toluca, Mexico, into a family bought into the company, expanding into grain sorghum pro- of farmers spanning four generations. He studied agribusiness at duction. In 1999, Jerry acquired Warner Seeds. He also leadsNew Mexico State University and has worked in the seed indus-Warner International Seeds in Mexico, and Warner Seeds SRLtry for 22 years. Jos's ASPROS leadership focuses on adoption in Argentina. He served as president of the Texas Seed Tradeof new technologies and innovative strategies to stay competi-Association, Southern Seeds Association and ASTA. In 2015, hetive. He is dedicated to honesty, hard work and family, and he was awarded ASTAs Lifetime Honorary Member Award.enjoys spending time with his wife and three children.SEPTEMBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /11"