b'formed conventional varie- Mechanization Departmentcompanies in the UK andwanted to use their knowl-ties three-fold per hectare,(AMD) conducted a hands- Nepal are a great example.edge to support and advise according to the post-harveston training on Rice StrawBy working together, we canSS Seeds in Nepal.evaluation of TELA projectBased Mushroom Cultivationshare technical skills, knowl- Francesca Stefanato demonstration plots in eastat the Agricultural Machineryedge and experiences, infrom the Crop Genetics Kenya and the Rift valley. TELATraining Center, in Yezin,order to help tackle someDepartment worked with CN maize also provides droughtNay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. Thischallenging problems. Seeds and SS Seeds in Nepal tolerance. However, thesetraining is part of a two-weekAgricultural instability isduring April 2019, supported demonstrations showcased theworkshop and training ona problem in Nepal, in partby a BBSRC Transforming effects of the Bt trait. Rice Straw Management,because local farmers lackFood project, and a Flexible The results are appeal- which ran from 414access to high quality vegeta- Talent Award.ing, James Karanja, theNovember 2019. The trainingble seeds. In turn this con- Stefanato gained experi-Kenya TELA maize projectfocused on developing goodtributes to malnutrition andence of working with industry, investigator says. In Kiboko,management practices to addcurrently half of all children inincluding method develop-for instance, we have seenvalue to rice byproducts andNepal are classed as under- ment skills for translating Bt maize yielding 10 tonsto reduce the environmentalweight. Previously, Nepaleselaboratory protocols into per hectare, as compared tofootprint of rice productionseed companies have boughtsimple methods that could non-Bt yielding between 3caused by open field burningin all their seed from otherbe performed in commercial and 4 tons [per hectare]. of rice straw. countries which means itlaboratories. She developed Scientists are develop- U Aung Zaw, Deputyhas not been bred for themethods with CN Seeds to ing technologies thatcanDirector General of PlanningNepalese environment allow in house pathology test-contribute to food secu- at the AMD in Nay Pyi Taw,Sarba Shrestha Seedsing and treatment of seed lots rity and prosperity amongprovided full support to thePvt Ltd (SS Seeds) is the firstand shared her knowledge Kenyans, says Stephen Mugo,event.vegetable breeding companypost-harvest physiology. As a maize breeder and KenyaDuring the training, par- in Nepal and first startedpart of Stefanatos work in country representative withticipants learned about theproducing hybrid tomato seedNepal she visited the labora-the International Maize andtechniques of growing paddyin 2017 before moving on totories of, and presented to, the Wheat Improvement Centermushroom outdoor usingcucumbers. Ultimately theirNepal Agricultural Research (CIMMYT). If farmers growrice straw through classroomgoal is to produce a range ofCouncil, where she presented maize with this technology,discussions and hands-onhigh-quality vegetable seedsthe research that takes place it will help reduce the use ofexercises in the field.for the Nepalese market withat the John Innes Centre, the pesticides, which have a wayThi Thi Aung, Asst.traits local farmers find desira- objectives of the projects she of getting into waterways. Research Officer of Rice Bioble. They have been exploringworked on with CN Seeds and The results have significantPark, says that the techniqueslocal varieties and undertak- SS Seeds and highlighting to implications for Kenya, wherewe learned from the traininging trials and want to ensurestudents in Nepal, the oppor-maize production has beenare easy to follow, especiallyNepal has a stable supply oftunities at the John Innes severely curtailed by droughtfor the farmers.seed without having to rely onCentre such as the Janaki and insect pests, especially fallIn Myanmar, farmers useimported seed. Ammal Scholarship for PhD armyworm. If those two fac- cow dung and paper box forThe third partner in thestudents.tors were controlled, Kenyangrowing mushroom, whichproject is CN Seeds, a UKThe collaboration with SS farmers could have harvestedthey need to purchase.seed breeder specialising inseeds and Stefanatos visit to 60 million bags this year. Now they can use thethe production of baby leafthem has also helped to raise Instead, they are projectedcow dung for cultivation withsalad and herbs. CN Seedsthe companys profile with the to harvest just 35 million bagsthe use of RS for mushroomand the John Innes CentreNepal Agricultural Research this year. production, she adds. have been collaborating forCouncil, paving the way for several years with the aim ofthem to interact more closely developing salad crops resist- in the future and attract STATUS MYANMAR STATUS NEPAL ant to downy mildew for thefurther investment for the The International RiceRecent work between plantUK market. With the develop- company. SWResearch Institute (IRRI)pathologists at the John Innesment of disease-free hybrids and Myanmars AgriculturalCentre and plant breedingnow well underway the team JANUARY 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /81'