b'But when we grew seed- we see in grain or cerealfore, what microbes should lings in clay inoculated withcrops. Many of the bacteriabe applied to their seed. microbes from a monocultureand fungi that have growth- The ultimate solution will be field that had been left fallowpromoting properties for corn,when a farmer can send soil for several years, the seedlingsor Arabidopsis or tomatoessamples to a lab for fertility grew faster than in any othercould theoretically also impactanalysis and simultaneouslyOnce we know how to soil treatment. That impliestrees and other vegetables. Ifhave a biological analysis to monocultures could havethats the case, it would makedetermine which biologicalsinterpret the microbiome, beneficial microbes as well asour research a little easier!need to be applied to correctthe more information growth-limiting ones. However, this is why additionalmicrobial deficiency. research is necessary. ForI believe it is only a matterabout it we have, the Is There a Role forexample, we know that theof time until this kind ofbetter our result will be. Biostimulants? plant genotype can play a rolemicrobiome analysis is widely The interactions betweenin the rhizosphere microbiomeavailable. This will be the nextMolly Cadle-Davidsonsoil microbes and plants arecomposition both betweenlevel of prescription farming, still very much unchartedcrops, but also within species.Cadle-Davidson says. It will territory, which makes it anHow do those differencesbe just like genome-based exciting area of study. Thisinfluence the efficacy of agoals for human medicine. is especially the case for thebiostimulant? While it has not yet come interactions between soilThe soil environment andinto practice, in theory, if a microbes and crops in agricul- management of that soildoctor has an analysis of tural systems.environment, i.e., fertilizeryour personal genome, theyWHAT DOES AWe know that there areapplication, irrigation, tilling,could make a very precise bacteria and fungi that canetc., is also a key componentrecommendation about whatMICROBIOME DO?influence plant growth or soilin the soil microbiome. Themedication would work best nutrient availability, but mostsandy, low organic matterto address your medicalMicrobiomes are communities of those studies have beensoils in Florida are very differ- needs. It could be the sameof organisms that live on and in done with only a few plantent from those in the Midwest,thing with crops: using anpeople, plants, soil, oceans and species or under very specificfor example. This means thatanalysis of the plants genomethe atmosphere. The composition growing conditions. Muchthe native soil microbiomeand on-farm soil microbiomeof any particular microbiome is of my research is looking atis likely different, and theto know which products willinfluenced by myriad factors, what interactions are occur- microbial amendments thatreact best with that specificincluding environmental, soil ring between specific crops incontain organisms that wereenvironment to achieve thephysical properties, nutrient field conditions, and how thosenot isolated in Florida mighthighest crop performance.availability and plant species. The interactions might differ, basednot colonize or interact in theOnce we know how to inter-on specific conditions or cropssame manner as they mightpret the microbiome, the moreplant-soil microbiome is the dynamic in a farmers field, says Sarahin a different soil environment,information about it we have,community of microorganisms Strauss, assistant professor andStrauss says. the better our result will be.associated with plants and soil a soil microbial ecologist at theFrom the customers pointThere is a complexity of thethat includes bacteria, archaea and University of Florida. of view, everyone is lookingplant-microbiome interactionfungi and has the potential for both Theoretically, biostimu- for someone to tell them whatthat we are only beginning tobeneficial and harmful effects on lants for other crops couldmicrobes are on their farmunderstand. SW plant growth and crop yield. play a similar role to whatand in their soil and, there-ENDORSED BY 54/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2020'