b'JIM SCHWEIGERTKnow Your NumbersPRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCE @jim_schweigertAS THE BATTLEto wrap up harvest rages against the elements and jim.schweigert@groalliance.comGroAlliance.com weather windows narrow, we must encourage our customers to take the time to do some critical testing.Fall is a great time to collect soil samples which is critical not only for pre-scribing the best-fit nutrient program but also for identifying the presence of Do the Hardestone of the most damaging, unseen pests in the United Statesthe soybean cyst nematode (SCN), which continues to spread and intensify in number. Despite the wet weather this year, which created a litany of challenges during Thing First planting season, the soggy soils didnt drown or slow SCNs spread, according to the SCN Coalition. The pest may have moved with the excess moisture.Knowledge is power, as is the case in most of lifes arenas, but with SCN knowing your customers number is paramount to a solid defense strategy and A FEW WEEKS AGO,I started to spend a fewfor other potential decisions:minutes each Monday morning creating a to-do list of the major items I wanted to complete duringCover Crop Planningthe week. It helped to prioritize my time and keepFor customers interested in planting a cover crop, knowing the pressure of me from getting distractedby the flurry of emailsSCN in a customers field can help them in selecting one. Researchers from and phone calls at the start of a new week. the SCN Coalition have compiled a list of cover crops that are suitable to grow My list was jotted down in thought order. Then,in SCN-infested fields without fear of providing a host for the nematode. The I sorted it by priority. Next, I checked off each tasklist is based on research published by Iowa State University and North Dakota as completed. I started to notice that it felt reallyState University. good to check tasks off, so I began to gravitate to starting with the quickest and easiest tasks firstSeed Selection and left the more difficult items for later. I thoughtPlanting SCN-resistant soybeans has historically been a sound defense strat-I could really clean up the list by knocking out theegy. However, this is no longer enough. After more than 20 years of using one easiest ones first. Its only Tuesday and look at howsource of resistance, nematodes have been able to adapt and overcome. They many things are crossed off my list! are feeding and reproducing on resistant varieties and yields are decreasing. Come Wednesday, new items started to popWork with your customer to offset SCNs by rotating between SCN-resistant up. I added them to the list. I would then again,varieties or rotating to non-host crops.start with the easiest, shortest tasks and again check them off the list. By the end of the week,Seed Treatment ApplicationI had cleared the entire list except for a coupleFinally, there are solutions available to help tough projects. A few more weeks passed and thecombat SCN and other nematode list grew longer and longer. It was now comprisedpests that can be applied in the fall of mostly challenging projects. or spring as an effective manage-The presence of multiple challenging projectsment tool. Trunemco from Nufarm on the list negated the feeling of accomplishmentis a new patented technology that that checking off the easiest items provided. Thatprovides a leading level of protec-feeling became overwhelming. Then I changedtion against nematodes like SCN and my priorities. I need to just get one of them done.helps plants thrive. Consider adding Leave the new, easier projects for later and justa seed-applied nematode solution to get through at least one major item. I got it doneyour customers plan.quicker than expected. I had a little jolt of motiva-tion, so I took on another tough one. Again, it took less time than expected.The experience changed my approach. Doing the hardest things first created less pressure on theBRANDON SCOTT subsequent days and allowed me to work more SEED TREATMENT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTefficiently. It seems against human nature, butAND SERVICE, NUFARMdoing the hardest things first frees your schedule brandon.scott@nufarm.comand clears your mind so you can be at your mostwww.nufarm.com/efficient and effective!JANUARY 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /35'