b'Its imperative that as an industry we take a proactive approach in protecting TIPpollinators. operationpollinator.comStart a conversation off right by offeringBy telling your neighbors when youre applying a prdocut, you can take steps to prevent honey from your bees. problems with relationships down the road. system was protecting the anonymity ofgood neighbor can prevent issues.In general, citrus doesnt require bees our users while providing a line of com- Some products require disclosure andfor pollination, but for the beekeepers, it munication that had not existed, Pottersome do not, Potter says. Just becausemakes really wonderful honey because of says. If a farmer wants to be complianta farmer is not under liability from thethat nectar, Savinelli says. with EPA label laws, now the farmer hasEPA to disclose those applications, weThe beekeepers know what the farm-an avenue whereas previously, one hadalways encourage applicators to goers are up against, and having that good not existed.above and beyond. dialogue from the beginning has allowedIts not about compliance, its aboutthem to bring in the bees while the trees Smooth and Sweet stewardship. It takes five minutes to pickare flowering, and then remove those Just like suburban neighbors who mayup the phone and call. hives so farmers can treat their trees knock on a friends door holding a platelater in the season, Potter says. There of cookies, beekeepers can also use aTaking Steps, Together are a lot of really positive things happen-sweet treat to help smooth things overOnce a relationship has gotten off oning because of that communication and with nearby farmers.the wrong foot, it can be hard to correctunderstanding. Dont approach them when yourethat path. But those challenges can beFor her, its not about whether to use angry. Bring a jar of honey and knockovercome if both parties make the neces- an app or an old-fashioned phone call. Its on their door, Potter says. Take a map,sary effort, and Savinelli says there are aabout collaboration. show them where your hives are, and givelot of things working really well, and a lotWe just want to keep reminding them some specific ideas for how theyof positive things already going on. people to do the right thing, Savinelli can work together, like alternating theirI think a lot of times, we only hearsays.schedule to spray later in the day, or print- about the negative experiences out there,Regagnon agrees. ing off the instructions for using the app.but really, there are a lot of farmers andAt the end of the day, no one wants She has worked with beekeepersbeekeepers that are already workingto have an issue. Beekeepers dont want who are upset over an application neartogether really well, she says.their bees harmed and growers and appli-their hives when the farmer is under noFlorida citrus growers are a goodcators want to use the tools they have requirement to give notice. Thats whenexample of how communication can leadresponsibly, she says. SWhaving a good relationship and being ato being better neighbors.JANUARY 2020SEEDWORLD.COM /49'