b'12 inches, soybean yield can be reduced by as much as 10%. Intechnology manages tough-to-control weeds. The molecular corn, foot-high weeds can cause up to 22% yield loss. stack has tolerance to new 2,4-D choline and glyphosate as well Sandell agrees a spring burndown program in corn andas glufosinate herbicides. soybeans provides effective weed control to prepare for plantingIt is an option to attack weeds with many different modes of and helps decrease the seedbank in-season.action and be able to do different tank mix combinations to stay Including preemergence herbicides can minimize postemer- ahead of weed resistance, he says.gence herbicide applications and protect against early-seasonSteckel says glyphosate resistance is a concern in regions, weed competition when weather or schedules prohibit timelyincluding the mid-South, where primarily Roundup Ready 2 Xtend post applications, he adds.has been used. Farmers struggle to control annual grasses.Dan Puck, Corteva Enlist field specialist, advocates burndownWe have found it is most effective to not use dicamba and and/or preemergence herbicide applications for early seasonglyphosate together, he says. Spray them separately so you control as well.dont lose control with dicamba. It is antagonistic to grasses.Use products that offer residual activity, preferably with dif- Puck says advisors should also help farmers consider trait ferent modes of action than postemergence herbicides, Pucktechnology field placement. says. Follow with timely applications of post herbicides that willPlant seeds with trait technologies on the acres that allow control weeds as the crop continues to develop. farmers to take advantage of the herbicides that match those technologies, he says. Plant herbicide-tolerant crops in loca-Planting Best Seed Options for 2020 tions that allow farmers to maximize the benefits of that trait Herbicide selection is a critical pre-plant management decisiontechnology by using the herbicides needed. Pick a package that that goes hand in hand with seed selection. Knowing the weedincludes yield, agronomic and disease-resistant traits and offers spectrum can help farmers pinpoint what weed control tech- a weed control technology that will handle the weed pressure in nologies to use. For customers who want to control seed costs,the fields.conventional seed may be preferred. There are a lot of things to digest from the 2019 growing In either case, Lenz recommends agronomists promote seedseason, Lenz says. It is very important to build a relationship products that have shown consistent yields for multiple growingwith your customers and go over yearly notes to put together a seasons and across large geographical areas.plan field by field and weigh all the options. You need to come Seed herbicide trait selection is key (for those situationsup with a plan that will allow your customers to have the best where technology is demanded), Lenz says, adding newer E-3return per acre and get off to a fresh start in the new year.SW12/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2020'