b'Next Generation Breeding:MARC ZIENKIEWICZ EDITOR, CREATE BY ISSUES INKIt Takes Two to Tango@mzienkiemzienkiewicz@issuesink.comissuesink.comNEXT-GENERATIONsequenc- engineer, should know exactly what ing and innovative third-generationthey are looking for. They should also genotyping tools make trait discov- know enough about the structureIs Your Content Sexy?ery and genomic selection feasible inof the genes and their function to plant breeding. However, before wedesign the best genes to be placed fully use the power of genomic selec- in the right positions and right back- I MUST CONFESS,I have yet to try a Beyond tion, gene editing emerged as a newground to be expressed in their bestMeat burger. I have, however, tried other plant-tool in plant breeding. Gene editingway. Since the quantitative traits arebased protein products. I like them. I love to eat has provided great potential but cap- controlled by networks of genes withmeat, and dont have any plans to reduce my meat tured most of the attention. Althoughminor effects, gene editing, at least atintake, but I see the value in plant-based options breeders should celebrate havingthe beginning, are limited to improvingfor people who dont eat meat, want to cut back such amazing tools in their hands toonly the qualitative traits that are wellon it, or just want something to supplement a revolutionize plant breeding, theyknown and genes (haplotypes) thathealthy diet.should not only focus on a singledo not exist in the gene pools.I had the pleasure recently of moderating a webi-method as their resource but also useOne other challenge in gene editingnar on the topic, and it was an eye-opening experi-a combination of available technolo- is to be able to transform the gene ofence to learn more about plant-based proteins. But gies to have fruitful programs. interest in all cultivars and all back- what really stood out for me was the interest others Genomics selection has beengrounds as efficiently as possible. Thehad in the subject matter and how people involved used to reduce the size of breedingfuture of gene editing and being ablein the seed industry saw the opportunity presented programs to a more manageable sizeto improve the traits that are controlledby the plant-based protein market.allowing for the breeder to not misswith genes that do not exist in natureThe reason they were interested is because they any excellent combinations of theor are very close to the centromere orcould see the connection between their seed busi-agronomics traits and ideal pheno- other defected genes will be an excit- ness and the plant-based protein market. People types they are looking for. An excel- ing tool for plant breeding. who breed pulses are the ones who supply this lent population is one with multipleWe should be thankful that we aremarket with raw materials.founding parents randomly inter- in this great era in genomics, geneIt reminded me that good content is content mating to create a soup of excellentediting, computer science, artificialthat people can connect with and relate to, but alleles for selection. Then, in eachintelligence, next-generation pheno- great content also piques their interest. Everyone spoonful, we may have multiples oftyping and sequencing to be able tohas heard about the Beyond Meat burger. Its what these excellent ingredients (alleles).produce an Ideal Plant.we refer to in the content marketing world as a The aim of genomic selection is tosexy topic. What makes a topic sexy?increase the number of these spoons1. The subject appeals to not only industry play-to finally have the best combinationers but to the general publicconsumers. If con-of ingredient to be released as oursumers benefit and find it interesting, thats your final recipe.gauge to determine how well it will resonate. Even Genomic selection is designed toif youre not trying to appeal to consumers directly, surprise breeders by creating noveleveryone involved in your industry is a consumer combinations of alleles in a particularas well. When you appeal to consumers, you line. However, gene editing is made forappeal to everyone around youand yourself.breeding by design. Breeders, like an2. The subject and content help improve peoples lives in some regard. There needs to be an important takeaway, or it has to spur people to action.3. It isnt clickbait. There can a fine line between content that is sexy and content that can be seen FARHAD GHAVAMI as frivolous. Its always important to ensure your CHIEF SCIENCE OFFICER, content is of quality and doesnt take anything EUROFINS BIODIAGNOSTICS out of context or blow it out of proportion. Avoid@GhavamiF making clickbait out of it.FarhadGhavami@eurofinsUS.com Is there a sexy topic youve been wanting to tell eurofinsus.com/biodiagnostics/your audience about? 34/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2020'