b'Making the MostROBIN OMARA Out of Every Inch!PRESIDENT,OMARA AG SERVICESromara60@msn.comomara-ag.com/ IT HAS BEEN SAIDto me, in agriculture, what is old is new again. Once I gave that some thought, I realized how true it can be.How many times have we said to ourselves, If there was only a way? Polyculture or inter-cropping has been around for thousands of years. Originally, its primary purpose was to lessen the likelihood of Perception is Reality total crop failure. Several thousand years later in 2019, with land prices increasing and commodity prices decreasing, growers are once again showing I RECENTLY READan article suggesting thatinnovative and resilient thinking. Planting corn and soybeans together perception is reality. I found this very interestingin the same field at the same time clearly is an interesting idea. After all, and it stuck right in there where it wasnt gonnaeach crop grows at a different level and has roots at different depths. leave. The article said that If your customer seesPlanting the corn a bit wider than usual allows for the soybeans to grow you in a certain way, then like it or not, THAT ISin between the plants. Seemingly simple yet very complex. THEIR REALITY. If they see you as the easiest toThe goal/purpose this time around for inter-cropping is to increase work with, then that is their reality. If they think youproductivity per acre. Inch by Inch, row by row, plant by plant. In are the most experienced, that is their reality. Atheory, it is intriguing to think about the added value this application high-, mid- or low-priced choicethat is their real- could bring on a large- or small-scale farm. ity. A crummy supplier or a best-quality choice If it were that easy, I am sure people would already be jumping at the those perceptions are all their reality.chance to do polyculture. Opinions matter, especially when it comes to I do know how my customers see me, dont I?changing your total mindset. I am not sure if inter-cropping is the way. On second thought, I know how I would like themHowever, I am sure that those who have had success using it surely think so! to see me, and it seems short-sighted for me toAs all applications of seed come with challenges, this application is no think otherwise. You cant read the label fromdifferent. It carries an intriguing Ideal. That two dominant crops can coex-inside the box. is a fun saying that I have read andist in the same field at the same time is something to contemplate when heard. It seems that the way to find out how yourplanning for the year ahead! From soil rejuvenation, planting, growing, customers see you is to ask for feedback. Let yourharvesting and finally separating or cleaning. Perfecting this dynamic duo customers read your label to find what it says.as growing partners in the same field could be a viable option. Memorable, huh?Separating corn and soybean mixes is not uncommon. Normally, Part of my job is to make OMara Ag Servicesit is done on an emergency basis due to the wrong lever more user-friendly, more engineer friendly, morebeing pulled and ugg, a 50/50 mix just like installer-friendly, more pocketbook-friendly andthat. Times sure have changed, and change is well, you get my drift. I need to do all that plusa welcome opportunity! Now we are working continue to provide a high-quality choice. I find itwith clients fielding questions about plant-great to hear when we meet these levels. We loveing both crops together and processing it when our feedback reveals itself through refer- them apart. rals. Other times we just flat out have to ask theIn agriculture, what is old often does questions. I could send them some survey formsbecome new again. What is unusual to fill out, or maybe ask them to take just a fewis an idea that takes several thousand minutes to fill out a short on-line survey. Perhaps,years to make its return. like me, they are not a big feedback questionnaire filler-outer kind of person. Those surveys just take that much more time from an already busy day, unless of course, you are unhappy with someonesSTEVE DEJONGperformance. Then were all over filling out a feed- PRESIDENT, PROFILE INDUSTRIES, INC.back survey, right? How can we make it important ProfileIndUSAenough for someone to take the time to give thesteve@profile-ind.com profile-ind.com/feedback we need, good or bad? Id better get my Facebook account up and running so you can like it, huh?36/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2020'