b'adoption of these new herbicide trait technologies for weed con-trol, and working with them to make those decisions, is bringing us closer to the customer.Rice Supplies AdequateMike Gumina, chief executive officer of RiceTec in Alvin, Texas, says 2019 rice planting was difficult due to heavy rains. We were able to plant most of our seed crop in a timely fash-ion, he says. Harvest conditions were about normal so most of the crop was harvested in good condition.Gumina says the top problem in hybrid rice production is kernel smut. RiceTec had good success controlling this pest and other fungi in 2019 with improved cultural practices and some new fungicide options that have become available, he says.However, there is an adequate supply of high quality seed for planting in 2020. As is normal, there is a tight supply of our newest, high-yield-ing products. But in general, there is enough high-quality seed to meet grower demand, Gumina says. We do not anticipate any seed shortages at RiceTec with the possible exception of an older hybrid that is used for organic production. That supply is quite tight but currently estimated at slightly more than demand.Wheat Quality Put to the TestAgain, the weather is taking the blame for reduced U.S. and Canadian wheat production in 2019. The USDA reported in November, based on expected planted area of 45 million acres SOURCE: SYNGENTAin 2020/2021, seed use for 2019-20 was reduced seven mil-lion bushels to 61 million. The agency says that significant late season precipitation, including deep snow and freezing tem-peratures in the Northern Plains halted harvest in a number ofWheat seed supplies stayed good through the wet spring. spring and durum wheat-producing states.As we went through the summer in the United States andBean adds that sugarcane aphids were the only pest that Canada, the wet season really had our grower partners sortingtypically bothers sorghum but the yield-robber was efficiently through a range of qualities, says White. We are generally inmanaged through the use of insecticides. good shape seed-wise but conditioning and cleaning processesIn general, Bean says sorghum seed supplies for 2020 appear were critical to making sure we could deliver the best qualityto be adequate. A number of new hybrids being released for possible. We probably saw a few more discards than we have2020 are expected to be somewhat tighter in supply due to high had in previous years. grower demand for the latest traits and innovations.Sorghum Okay Looking AheadWith the majority of U.S. sorghum seed produced under irriga- The 2019 seed production seasons in the United States for most tion in the Texas Panhandle, the miserable weather affectingmajor crops was filled with adversities such as late spring plant-crops in other areas of North America did not have a significanting, cool summer temperatures and wet harvest conditions, impact on sorghum seed production in 2019. including snowfall measurable in feet rather inches in northern Cold and wet conditions early caused sorghum growersareas. In North Dakota and South Dakota, the August-October some delay in planting, says Brent Bean, director of Agronomyperiod was reported by USDA to be the wettest in 125 years.for the National Sorghum Checkoff. But since most of theDespite the challenges, the flexibility of seed companies to sorghum for seed is grown under irrigation, crops receivedjuggle acres around to drier areas helped moderate the affects adequate water. of bad weather. Seed health is generally reported to be good Bean says sorghum seed companies reported adequate seedacross a variety of crops and seed availability for 2020 planting, production in 2019 and there are no anticipated shortages ofwith the exception of the latest seed releases, is anticipated to be seed for planting in 2020.very good. Even though sorghum was late getting in, warm weatherHowever, with North American weather becoming ever more later in the season sped things up and most fields came outunpredictable, seed production in the new year will perhaps be okay, he says. more challenging than ever.SW8/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2020'