b'REGULATORY ROUNDUP Keeping you informed of legislative and regulatory changes at the state, national and international levelsfrom lawsuits to approvals to other regulatory issues affecting your business.NATIONALSince then, it has beenKhan in the chair. Yield poten- be reached, but it renewed USDA TAKING ACTION TOreported in China, Mexico,tial of the approved varietiesits commitment to the Plant PROTECT THE U.S. FROMGermany (eradicated), Italy,is 3% to 24%higher than theTreaty as the preferred tool TOMATO BROWN RUGOSEGreece, the United Kingdom,existing commercial hybrids.for access and benefit sharing FRUIT VIRUS Jordan, Turkey and theOut of the total approvedof genetic resources for plant USDAs Animal and PlantNetherlands. The virus washybrid maize varieties, twobreeders:Health Inspection Servicedetected and eradicated fromhybrids were developed byWe thank the co-chairs (APHIS) is taking immediatea California tomato green- Maize and Millets Researchfor their hard work to find a action to prevent the intro- house in 2018. Institute, Yousafwala. workable compromise. We duction of tomato brownPer the Federal Order,A total of 17 hybrid varie- are disappointed with the rugose fruit virus into theAPHIS will: ties of crops including maize,outcome of the Governing United States and protect U.S. Require all tomato andLucern (Afalfa) and SorghumBody meeting but we remain tomato and pepper produc- pepper seed lots importedSundargrass were presentedsupportive of the Treaty and tion worth more than $2.3from countries where the virusin VEC for approval. (Source:committed to keep collaborat-billion annually. exists to be officially tested andThe News) ing to find workable means to APHIS has issued a Federalcertified free of the disease. enhance access and benefit Order imposing restrictions on Require all tomato andSEED SECTOR EXPRESSESsharing.imports of tomato and pepperpepper transplants importedDISAPPOINTMENT OVERThe Governing Body of seed lots and transplants fromfrom countries where the virusSTALLED NEGOTIATIONSthe ITPGRFA also agreed all countries where the virusexists to be officially tested andON EXCHANGE OFto reconduct the Ad hoc exists as well as restrictionscertified free of the disease. GENETIC RESOURCES Technical Expert Group on on tomato and pepper fruit Require all tomatoOn Nov. 19, the GoverningFarmers Rights. ISF remains imported from Mexico, Israeland pepper fruit importedBody of the Internationalcommitted on this topic to and the Netherlands. Becausefrom Mexico, Israel and theTreaty on Plant Geneticpropose ways toward a mutu-Canada imports tomato andNetherlands to be inspectedResources for Food andally supportive implementa-pepper fruit from Mexico thatat the point of origin to ensureAgriculture (ITPGRFA) con- tion of the ITPGRFA and may be re-exported to thisit is free of disease symptoms. cluded its 8th session (GB8)UPOV Convention 1991 Act. country, USDA will also require Require Canada towith a rejection of a compro- Having access to a wide Canada to inspect tomato andinspect all tomato and peppermise package on enhancingrange of plant genetic pepper fruit to ensure it is freefruit prior to export to thethe Multilateral System (MLS)resources is essential for plant of disease symptoms prior toUnited States to ensure it isof access and benefit sharingbreeders to develop improved export to the United States.free of disease symptoms. for plant genetic resources forvarieties that boost farmers These actions came into effectTogether, these actions willfood and agriculture. crop productivity and address Friday, November 22. In addi- safeguard the United StatesThe GB8 was hoped tothe impact of climate change, tion, APHIS and U.S. Customsagainst the introduction of thisresult in the approval of ain order to attain sustainable and Border Protection (CBP)virus while facilitating the safepackage of measures thatfood production. Crops that will increase inspections oftrade of healthy tomatoes. would enhance the Multilateralevolved in one part of the tomato and pepper seed,System by expanding theworld have often become plant and fruit imports enter- INTERNATIONAL crop scope and adopting astaple foods somewhere ing from countries where theNEW HYBRID MAIZErevised Standard Materialelse. These exchanges have virus is known to occur andSEEDS APPROVED Transfer Agreement (SMTA)improved the quality of our Canada, and will take actionThe Pakistan Agriculturefor the exchange of geneticdiets, improved food security to keep any infected productsResearch Council (PARC) hasresources. However, this wasand helped feed the growing out of the country. approved 12 new hybrid maizenot the outcome despite theworld population. The seed Tomato brown rugose fruitvarieties for cultivation acrossefforts within GB8 to findsector believes that good virus can cause severe fruitthe country. workable compromises onpolicies and their implemen-loss in tomatoes and peppers.The approval was given atcritical principles. tation are vital for continued It is easily spread through thethe 7th meeting of the VarietyIn its closing statement, theconservation and exchange use of contaminated tools,Evaluation Committee (VEC)International Seed Federationof genetic resources. (Source: hands, and plant-to-planton maize, sorghum, milletexpressed its disappointmentISF) SWcontact. It was first reportedand fodder crops, with PARCthat after 6 years of negotia-in tomatoes in Israel in 2014.Chairman Muhammad Azeemtions agreement could not 78/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2020'