b'I N D U S T R Y N E W S Delivering the news you need to know. Submissions welcomeemail us at news@seedworldgroup.com. Soybeans account for 40% of nitrous oxide emissions in Iowas corn-soybean rotations, a potent greenhouse gas with 300 times the heat-trapping power of CO , according to an Iowa 2State University study. Researchers propose practical solutions to reduce emissions and enhance yields.Forecasts predict that by 2100, corn yields could drop by up to 25%, while crops like wheatonce secondary in global produc-tionmay see significant yield increases. Such a shift would reshape agricultural markets, affecting everything from food prices to global supply chains.The USDAs latest forecast estimates a record-breaking $45.5 billion trade deficit for U.S.The University of Kentucky, Kansas State University, Virginia Tech and the Federal University of Viosa in Brazil, received agriculture in fiscal year 2025, surpassing the$686,010 to research Fusarium graminearum. This multi-$42.5 billion projected earlier in 2024. Agriculturalinstitutional and international project, titled Selective Forces exports are anticipated to reach $170 billion,Impacting Fusarium graminearum Species Causing Gibberella slightly higher than earlier estimates but still wellEar Rot in Maize, focuses on developing new tools and resources to monitor, model and manage Fusarium strains below the 2022 peak. Meanwhile, imports areresponsible for significant corn diseases.projected to climb to $215.5 billion, driven by growing demand for products like tropical fruits,A genome editing tool developed by the University of South sugar, and other imported goods. Carolina-Aiken uses transposable element technology to enable precise DNA insertions in plant genomes.SWD ealersW anteDBox Bulkconfigurations A re you looking configurationsto expAnd your seed cArt B usinesss eedc Art , F uelt rAiler ,Ands kids teer Andt rActorA ttAchmentd eAlershipA pplicAtions Areo pen For Al imitedt ime !Contact Us Today atMarketing@HitchDoc.comor Call Us at 507-847-404946/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'