b'PLANT BREEDING SOFTWAREWhy Agriculture is the Worlds Most Important IndustryCHRISTOPHER LEONARD President, Agronomix Softwarechristopher.leonard@agronomix.comagronomix.comIN A PREVIOUS ARTICLE,I mentioned that a few years agoQuinoa is an excellent example. It has been a staple food in I gathered my staff together and asked them what they wouldSouth America for thousands of years, but in recent decades like to boast about five years from now, and they told me theyhas became a fad in North America. As a result, the cultural wanted to be able to say that we helped end world hunger. Igroup for which it has long been vital could no longer afford to took that to heart. buy it. Fortunately, advances in breeding methods have turned I truly believe that agriculture is the worlds most importantthat around and quinoa can now be grown in North America, industry. And yes, I realize everyone says the same thing aboutdecreasing the pressure on South Americas domestic food their sector, but what puts agriculture at the top of the list is thesupply.simple fact that we feed the world and through our efforts canAs an industry, we also need to come to grips with food end starvation on a global scale. I cant think of a better industrywastage. In the US alone, its estimated that between 30 and 40 to be in.percent of the food supply goes to waste. Thats an extraordinary Feeding the world starts with us. At Agronomix, we go tofigure, and its incumbent on the industry to find ways to signifi-work every day with the goal of helping our clients ensure thatcantly reduce that wastage. every single person on this planet, regardless of where they areWere doing our part to help. Breeders around the world are located around the globe, has access to nutritious food thatsusing Genovix software to analyze and manage their data so they produced sustainably, benefiting both the environment andcan develop crops that perform better in a variety of locations future generations.and diverse climates while increasing yields. By enabling clients Im also keenly aware that what we do in the seed industryto make better breeding decisions, our software helps them to now will have a knock-on effect over the long-term, so we needbring new varieties to market quicker and stay there longer. to proceed in a way that addresses global inequalities such asIts these kinds of advances that move us closer to living in a trends that prevent a cultural group from having access to theirworld where everyone has solid food security.traditional foods.BUSINESS GROWTHThe Difference Between Motivation and ActivationSHAWN BROOK President, Seed World Groupsbrook@seedworldgroup.comseedworldgroup.com@SeedWorldGroupWHEN IT COMESto sales, the difference between mediocrity3. Clear Offerand greatness isnt about motivationits about activation. This is about determining and defining what you have that will People are either motivated or not, but we can inspire andsolve a problem for your customer. It also identifies the differen-activate them. Inspiration conveys the why, while activationtiators that make your solution the RIGHT opportunity for your delivers the howproviding tools, clarity, and structure for suc- potential customer.When your sales team understands the cess. For activating a sales team, three key elements stand out: offer inside and out, they can present it with confidence and sat-isfy customers more completely - will having a positive impact 1. Clear Target List on revenue generation. You cant just tell your team to talk to all the farmers in CountyActivation begins with solid targets, processes, and offers. X. Thats not a target listthats wishful thinking. A clear targetOnce these are in place, roll out a plan to your team. The key is list identifies exactly who your salespeople should be engagingenabling success for everyonenot waiting for rare superstar with. This level of precision removes ambiguity and ensures theirsalespeople. With the right systems, morale improves, boosting efforts are focused and impactful. performance across the board.Some people are naturals, but most need activation to thrive. 2. Clear Process Activating your sales team elevates the entire organization. This Telling someone to just go sell something doesnt work. Salesapproach works across business areas but is especially trans-is an art AND it needs to be systemized for success. A definedformative in sales. Ask yourself: is your team truly activated? If process gives salespeople a roadmap and It creates consistencynot, whats holding you back?which enables them to improve over time. By systemizing theIts not just about vision but clarity to execute. Activate your sales process, you can turn good salespeople into great ones.team, and the results will speak for themselves. Happy to share ideas to help! Sbrook@seedworldgroup.com20/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'