b'FEBRUARY 2025 / SEED WORLD U.S. TEAMPUBLISHER DIRECTOR OF GROWTHMAIN OFFICE Shawn Brook Theresa Ramsoomair1395-A S. Columbia Road PMB 360 Grand Forks, ND 58201-9907sbrook@seedworldgroup.com tramsoomair@seedworldgroup.comMARKETINGSUBSCRIPTIONS EXECUTIVE VP - OPERATIONSSeed World is published six times a year. North American Madeleine BaergCharlene McIvor subscription rates are: one year USD $70, two years USD $120. mbaerg@seedworldgroup.com cmcivor@seedworldgroup.comThe international rate for one year is USD $200. SEED WORLD U.S. EDITOR CREATIVE To subscribe, please email subscribe@seedworldgroup.com.Aimee Nielson Lesley Nakonechny, Kyle Dratowanyanielson@seedworldgroup.com CIRCULATIONWANT MORE SEED WORLD? MANAGING EDITOR Dean French Follow us online at:Michelle Clarkedfrench@seedworldgroup.com SeedWorld.com mclarke@seedworldgroup.com CONTRIBUTORSfacebook.com/SeedWorldART DIRECTOR Autumn Barnes, Shawn Brook, Dan Foor,twitter.com/seedworldmagLesley NakonechnyTreena Hein, Andy LaVigne, Melissalinkedin.com/company/seed-world-medialnakonechny@seedworldgroup.com Shipman, Sarah WilbanksEDITORIAL STAFFEDITORIAL BOARD Marcel Bruins, Dawn Ius, Jane Bachmann, Katrina Bishop, Marc ZienkiewiczSamantha Bock, Chris Boomsma, Bryan Gerard, Michelle Klieger, Amanda PatinADVERTISING/SALESCraig Armstrongcarmstrong@seedworldgroup.com Please recycle where facilities exist.Christopher Blenkin No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the writtencblenkin@seedworldgroup.com permission of the publisher.Printed in the United StatesDean Frenchdfrench@seedworldgroup.comIGNITE EARLY Corn, Dry Beans, Small GrainsGROWTHFor moreinformation,MICROBIAL-BASED scan theQR code orDRY SEED TREATMENT call, Toll-Free:Stimulates seedling vigor & emergence 1-888-236-7378 Improves phosphate solubilization Enhances plant productivityPatent-pending formulation2/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'