b'Seed to Sip:How Corn Shapes Bourbons Flavor and LegacyIn every glass, theres a storyone that begins with a seed and ends with a sip that celebrates tradition and pushes boundaries.By Aimee Nielson, Seed World U.S. EditorCORN IS THEfoundation of bourbon, a distinctive American whiskey that holds a significant place in U.S. cul-ture and the global spirits market. In 1964, Congress recognized bourbon as a distinctive product of the United States, mean-ing it can only be domestically produced. The small state of Kentucky produces 95% of the worlds bourbon. From sprawl-ing farms to craft distilleries, corn plays a pivotal role in crafting bourbon that blends tradition, science and innovation. But dont forgetbourbons journey begins with the seed.Bourbons Core Ingredient: Corns Indispensable RoleSeth DeBolt is the director of the James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits at the University of Kentucky. The Beam Institute is the premier research and education center of the U.S. whiskey industry. He highlights corns integral place in bourbon production. If you put a regional bracket around Kentucky, youre looking at about 21-22 million bushels of corn going directly to Bourbon, which is economically significant, he says. Bourbon must be at least 51% corn, but many distillers go much higher. Corn is an endemic grain; its Americas native grain, and its inseparable from bourbons identity.This grains unique relationship with bourbon is as much about quality as it is about quantity. Unlike corn destined for livestock feed or ethanol, bourbon demands a clean, high-quality grain. While the grain might seem like a commodity to some, Bloody Butcher is an heirloom corn variety known for itsDeBolt emphasized that bourbon production demands a much deep red color. Photo: Jeptha Creed Distillery.higher standard. 14/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'