b'The Estate Whiskey Alliance is Crafting a New Gold Standard in SpiritsClarity, certification and innovation for estate-produced whiskeys. By Aimee Nielson, Seed World U.S. EditorTHE ESTATE WHISKEY ALLIANCE(EWA) is redefin-ing the future of whiskey. Established at the University of Kentucky in 2023, the alliance leverages more than 150 years of history in supporting the spirits industry through research, talent development and innovation.This all started because several of our partners brought to our attention that theres a categoryestate whiskeythats largely undefined, says Landon Borders, director of the EWA. Its become fairly unique for a whiskey product to be sourced and completely produced on estate owned or controlled lands. Given our history, resources and expertise, it made sense for us to support this as an unbiased third party.From Vision to ActionThe alliance garnered interest from distilleries, farmers and the industry eager to elevate the estate whiskey category. We realized wed be remiss if this was just a certification pro-gram, Borders says. There was an opportunity to engage and collaborate with farming and distillery partners in an alliance. Hillrock Estate Distillery in Hudson Valley New York. (front to back) EWA operations manager Alexa Narel says they establishedAlexander Eckstein (Hillrock), Landon Borders (EWA), Alexa Narel two key membership categories: business and academic.(EWA), and Jeff Baker (Hillrock). PHOTO: ALEXANDER ECKSTEIN.Weve kept it simple, she explains. Business members include distilleries and farmers with a vested interest, while aca-demic members are there to support the research and innova-tion side of things. Certification is only open to distilleries.A Napa Valley Seed-to-Sip Experience for WhiskeyThe EWA has a unique vision for consumer engagement. Borders likens the experience to Napa Valleys wine tourism. Its fascinating to visit estates and see the grains where theyre grown, he says. That connectionbeing able to wit-ness the process firsthandadds depth to the storytelling and enhances the flavor and tourism experience for consumers.Narel elaborates on this idea, saying, you already see brands using phrases like grain to glass seed to sip or crop to con-noisseur. What were doing takes it further by backing it with research and a defined certification mark. It adds credibility and helps consumers understand why these products are special.What Estate Whiskey Certification Mean?The certification process is rigorous yet consumer-friendly.All production processesfrom milling to fermentation, dis- Estate Whiskey Alliance officials visit Black Fox Farm and Distillery tillation, aging, and bottlingmust occur on the estate, Bordersin Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (l to r) Landon Borders says. Additionally, at least two-thirds of the mash bill grains must(EWA), Barb Stefanyshyn-Cote (Black Fox), Alexa Narel (EWA) and be grown on estate-owned or controlled land. To provide evenJohn Cote (Black Fox).PHOTO: ALIX GOWAN.18/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'