b'PEOPLE-POWERED LEADERSHIPThe (not so easy) Art of Choosing Which F*cks to GiveLEADERSHIP IS ANongoing balancing act ofrealign? rather than silently quitting or checking out caring deeply about what matters while letting go ofentirely. Those honest conversations arent just benefi-what doesnt. Its about building a culture that fosterscialtheyre necessary.growth, risk-taking, and connectionone where mis- We also need to embrace the idea that its OK to be takes are a part of the journey, not a reason for blame. different. The subtle art of not giving a f*ck teaches us In any organization, people need clarity. Whetherthat its not about indifference but about being com-its about the decision-making process or knowing thatfortable with difference. A thriving culture doesnt ask their value isnt tied to perfection, clarity builds confi- people to be the same; it encourages them to bring their dence. One of the most damaging things leaders canunique perspectives, talents, and quirks to the table.BY SHAWN BROOKdo is create a culture where mistakes equate to failure. President of SeedIf every decision feels like stepping into a minefield, World Group. people will stop stepping altogether. Theyll avoid risks, stifle their creativity, and ultimately disengage.Instead, Ive always believedand this holds true for all the roles I take on in my lifethat people dont.people dont get fired for making mistakes. get fired for making mistakes. They get fired for notThey get fired for not caring. caring. A mistake made in earnest, with the best of intentions, can lead to growth. But when someone Shawn Brookmakes a mistake because they dont give a damn? Thats a different story. I can tolerate a lot, but indiffer-ence? That gets under my skin every time.This brings me to an interesting idea Ive come across in leadership: the subtle art of not giving a f*ck. Its the subject of a great book by blogger Mark Manson.As kids, were taught to celebrate being different. Now, before you roll your eyes or think this is aboutBut somewhere along the way, as adults, we start indifference, let me clarify. Its not about not caring. Itsbelieving we need to conform, to blend in, to fall in line. about being deliberate about what you care about. Leadership has to challenge this mindset. A culture of We all have a limited number of f*cks to give oncaring doesnt mean we all agreeit means we value any given day. Just like we have a limited number ofthe diversity of thought, the calculated risks, and yes, hours in a day or weeks in our livesour energy iseven the occasional mistake.finite. Leadership means paying attention to where youSo, heres the challenge for all of us: Build a culture invest your energyand helping your team do thewhere people care deeply about what truly matters. same. A culture of caring isnt about spreading yourselfCreate an environment where mistakes made with good thin trying to care about everything; its about focusingintentions are stepping stones, not landmines. And most on what truly matters to the individual and to the team. importantly, help your teamand yourself focus your This prioritization isnt just for leaders. Its for eve- energy on the things that make a difference.ryone. If youre a team member feeling disengaged, IdBecause in the end, leadership isnt just about much rather you come to me and say, Hey, Im strug- results. Its about people. And when people care, gling to care about this right now. What can we do toamazing things happen.SW42/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'