b'Doud echoed Snyders concerns,like EPA and USDA is to allow scientists arguing that regulatory hurdles must beto do their jobs without political interfer-aligned with the risk involved. ence.If you have lower-risk technologies,He added that the agriculture sector why not lower the barriers to entry? hemust continue to advocate for science-asked. We should be simplifying pro- based decision-making, especially as the cesses where we can. public debate around climate change, We cant let politicsbiotechnology, and food safety rages on.Biotechnology and Global Tradebleed into science.When the conversation turned to bio- Regenerative Agriculture and the The role of agenciestechnology and its future under a poten- Seed Sectortial second Trump administration, DoudBoth speakers agree that the term like EPA and USDA ispainted a clear picture. regenerative agriculture is often misun-Agricultures future is tied to technol- derstood.to allow scientists toogy, he said. We need global coopera- Regenerative agriculture isnt new, tion to ensure that biotech innovations areDoud says. My 85-year-old father would do their jobs withoutapproved and commercialized quickly.laugh if he heard the term. Weve been He pointed to the historic Phase Onedoing this for decades.political interference.trade agreement with China, which heBut its more than just a catchphrase Gregg Doud helped negotiate. We fixed 57 things in its an opportunity for farmers to be our agricultural relationship with China.rewarded for practices theyve been using One of the biggest hurdles was address- for years.ing biotechnology regulations, and weFarmers are already doing this. got China to agree to a 20-day approvalTheyve been regenerating the soil for process for biotech traits. decades, Snyder agrees. Whats new is Snyder, however, was quick to remindfiguring out how to make it profitable and the group that biotech is not a one-size- how to define what regenerative agricul-fits-all issue. ture really means.Its about finding common ground,Doud acknowledges the ongoing work he said, stressing the importance of work- needed to standardize these practices cialize new technologies, Doud argued.ing with international partners to over- and ensure theyre measurable.If we cant do that, investment will gocome regulatory barriers and encourageThe key to making this work is data, elsewhere. the adoption of new technologies. Thehe explains. We need to be able to meas-U.S. and China are the two largest econo- ure the benefits of these practices, and A Call to Action in Efficiency andmies in the worldwe need to be talkingthats where government and the private Regulation every day. sector need to collaborate.Snyder and Doud agreed that a majorDoud and Snyder say the next four reform is necessary for efficiency in theThe Importance of Trusting Science years hold both challenges and immense regulatory system. Snyder pointed outBoth speakers voiced concerns aboutopportunities for the seed sector. that the underfunding of critical pro- the publics growing distrust of scientificWhether through advancing biotechnol-grams, such as the biotech framework atinstitutions. ogy, navigating global trade agreements the EPA, is a significant barrier. Were facing a moment of mistrust inor ensuring that sustainability efforts are For many years, EPA has beenscience, Snyder warns, noting that thiseconomically viable, the seed sectors grossly underfunded, he says, stressingskepticism poses a major challenge forrole in shaping the future of agriculture that Congress needs to allocate morethe agricultural sector. Without publichas never been more critical. And as the resources to support the growing pace oftrust in science, it will be hard to achieveindustry looks to the future, it will need innovation. Without proper funding, thethe innovation necessary to feed a grow- to rely on science, technology and the regulatory system simply cannot keep uping global population. continued support of policymakers to with the volume of new products waitingWe cant let politics bleed into sci- thrive in an increasingly complex global for approval. ence, Doud says. The role of agencieslandscape.SW36/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'