b"A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Ukraine excels in soybeans,STATUS UKRAINE chase prices. Currently, soy- Agency (EPA). These groups Pakistan approvesThe Ukrainian soybean marketbeans are being bought forhave raised concerns about is delivering impressive results,17,300-17,500 UAH per ton.the potential risks of intro-soybean GMO imports, andwith export volumes reach- However, the close relation- ducing GMO seeds into local Australian study on wheat. ing 445,000 tons, settingship between soybean andagriculture and the impact on the stage for a potential newmeal prices suggests thatPakistan's non-GMO status.record. the situation in the UkrainianIndustry insiders high-This achievement wasmarket may stabilize in thelighted that the previous highlighted by analysts fromcoming months. restrictions severely affected the First Ukrainian Agriculturalthe poultry sector, with over Cooperative (FUAC), estab- 60% of companies either con-lished under the UkrainianSTATUS PAKISTAN tracting or closing due to the Agrarian ConfederationThe federal governmenthigh costs of feed. With the (UAC). has approved the import ofnew licenses, businesses are Despite this success, thegenetically modified (GMO)better positioned to stabilize Ukrainian market remainssoybeans, issuing licenses tofeed supply chains, potentially influenced by global dynam- 39 companies. This decisionlowering poultry prices and ics, including price fluctua- is aimed at supporting theimproving market competi-tions in the U.S. and Brazilianpoultry sector, which reliestiveness.soybean markets. on soybeans as a key proteinThe Sustainable Ukrainian soybean issource for animal feed. Development Policy Institute usually sold at a discountThe Pakistan Poultry(SDPI) also supported lifting compared to AmericanAssociation (PPA) hasthe ban, warning that contin-soybean, which is about $5-7welcomed the move, call- ued restrictions could exac-USD per ton, the analystsing it essential for ensuring aerbate food security issues, said in a press release fromstable protein supply, espe- particularly with rising protein the Ukrainian Agri Council.cially after a lengthy ban oncosts and growing malnutri-However, now the price ofGMO soybean imports. Thetion rates.the U.S. soybean is almostapproval followed compre-equal to the Ukrainian one,hensive consultations led which is a favorable signal forby the National BiosafetySTATUS AUSTRALIAdomestic exporters. NegativeCommittee (NBC) and otherGrain growers generally trends in the physical markets,government agencies. have anxiety when the fall-in particular the fall in theThe ban on GMO soybeaning number test machine price of soybeans in Chicago,imports was initially intro- comes out at harvest, but new have not yet affected ourduced to address concernspreliminary research findings sales volumes. over undeclared imports andsuggest that wheat falling Seasonal trends point to abiosafety. However, it led tonumber test results could possible increase in soybeanprotein shortages and risingimprove with time in storage.prices in December-March.poultry feed costs. The PPAThe findings are part of This is traditionally an activeviews the approval as a stepa new research investment period for trade. Analysts pre- forward for the industry,by GRDC and Agriculture dict a gradual increase in theexpecting it to boost produc- Victoria supported by New price of soybeans to 420-440tivity and enhance competi- South Wales Department USD per ton, which is USDtiveness. of Primary Industries and 20-30 more than the currentDespite the approval, theRegional Development (NSW figures. decision has sparked opposi- DPIRD) and LongReach On the domestic market,tion from some governmentPlant Breeders. This research soybean meal prices remainbodies, including the Ministryexplored possible falling low, restricting processorsof Climate Change and thenumber test results improving ability to offer higher pur- Environmental Protectiondue to grain being stored. SW44/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025"