b'CHITOSAN SEED TREATMENTSeed Treatment Transformed Science Powered by NatureLEVI TIPTON Seed Treatment Account Manager, Tidal Grow AgriSciencetidalgrowag.comLevi.Tipton@tidalgrowag.comSCIENCE AND NATUREare transforming agriculture, withcrustacean exoskeletons and many other sources. It is the second the seed treatment industry leading the way. Offering innova- most abundant natural biopolymer on Earth second to only tive solutions, it balances strong protection with sustainability,cellulose. Chitosan has been proven to enhance seedling vigor, shaping the future of farming and ensuring long-term resilienceimprove germination rates, and provide robust pest and patho-against environmental and economic pressures. gen control. Chitosans versatility is its strength. By stimulating the plants immune system, it helps crops withstand both abiotic Trends & Challenges and biotic stresses more effectively and can reduce disease inci-Growers demand seed treatments that offer broad-spectrumdence. Sourced from seafood byproducts, it is both innovative pest and disease protection, enhance abiotic stress tolerance,and sustainable: a true upcycling of natural materials.and improve early plant vigor. Increasingly, biological and envi- That said, not all chitosan formulations are created equal. ronmentally friendly options are gaining traction, aligning withImproperly formulated chitosan products can, in fact, promote pest growers commitment to long-term sustainability and soil health.and pathogen pressure. Therefore, partnering with trusted providers Data-driven, compliant technologies with proven ROI are trans- ensures growers benefit from scientifically validated formulations forming seed treatments, enabling tailored solutions for diversethat maximize chitosans potential and deliver consistent results.field conditions and needs.Looking AheadChitosan & Seed Treatments Science and nature are transforming seed treatments. Chitosan Thankfully, some new active ingredients offer promise. Oneshows how natural resources can meet growers needs while particularly exciting new technology is chitosan. Chitosan is a nat- promoting sustainability. This innovation empowers agriculture urally derived polysaccharide bioengineered from chitin, found into tackle challenges and drive long-term success.Elevate your business with the knowledge you need.Subscribe now for exclusive insights, breakthrough trends, and expert analysis delivered directly to your inbox. Join the Seed World Daily community today!seedworld.com/subscribeFEBRUARY 2025SEEDWORLD.COM /23SW_SWDailyNewsletters_HP.indd 1 2023-11-07 9:50 AM'