b'SEED TREATMENT APPLICATIONChange Is Here. Whats Your Move?DAVID HENZE Group CEO, Summit Seed Coatingsdavid.henze@summitseedcoatings.comAT THIS YEARSASTA Field Crop Seed Convention, one ques- a product supplier and start seeing ourselves as a true solutions tion kept surfacing: How do you grow successfully in a marketprovider.thats changing so quickly? Its a question that hits close to homeThat was the easy part. The bigger challenge came next: for us at Summit Seed Coatings. A peer shared over lunch howperception. For years, we had been the toll processorreliable, their legacya deep-rooted strengthhad become a stumblingcapable, but firmly in the background. Reintroducing ourselves block. The fear? That tradition might hold them back from whatmeant showing how we could partner with customers to solve comes next. I understood because, not long ago, we stood attheir problems. That took collaborationnot just with customers that same crossroads. but across the industry. In agriculture, growth comes from part-For decades, Summit was known as a toll processoranerships, shared expertise, and solving challenges side by side.dependable, behind-the-scenes product supplier. Alfalfa was ourReframing a company isnt easy. It requires hard conversa-foundation, and our expertise in seed coating was unmatched.tionswith customers, partners, and within your own team. It But as markets evolved, so did customer needs. Being great atmeans honoring the legacy youve built while having the courage what we did wasnt enough. Change was here, and we had toto let go of old ideas that no longer serve you. For Summit, this ask ourselves a tough question: How do we redefine who we arejourney has been as much about listening as it has been about without losing the trust weve built? leading. The shift from toll processor to solutions provider didnt Our first step was broadening our scope. Alfalfa was wherehappen overnight. It happened because we kept asking: What we started, but it wasnt our limit. We leveraged our knowledgecomes next? How can we help?of seed coating to deliver solutions in new areas, like cover crops,The truth is, growth doesnt mean leaving your roots behind. It where uniform seed density and improved efficiency are critical.means using them to reach further. Change is herefor all of us. It was a natural move for us, but it pushed us to stop thinking likeThe question now is, whats your move?SEED EDUCATIONNational Seed Health System: Crucial to Global Seed TradeGARY MUNKVOLD Professor, Iowa State Universitymunkvold@iastate.eduwww.ppem.iastate.edu/people/gary-munkvoldIN AN INDUSTRYwhere global operations are paramount, theThroughout my 18-year-tenure as co-director of the NSHS, National Seed Health System (NSHS) plays a key role in ensuringIve gained valuable insights into the challenges we face as indus-that seeds moving across international borders meet stringenttry demands continue to shift. The necessity for quick adapta-phytosanitary standards. Established more than two decades agotion to new testing requirementsespecially from important through collaboration with the American Seed Trade Associationtrading partners like Chile, which has recently introduced new (ASTA) and the USDA, the NSHS was designed to serve as aimport regulations for corn seed highlights the critical nature of bridge between seed producers and regulatory agencies, ulti- our work. In a rapidly changing environment, its vital to main-mately streamlining the phytosanitary certification processes.tain collaborations that enable us to respond swiftly to changing Since its inception, the NSHSadministered by Iowa Stateinternational standards while effectively meeting the needs of our Universitys Seed Science Center has experienced significantpartners in the seed industry.growth, now encompassing 31 accredited participants. This expan- But our work goes beyond compliance. Together with our sion reflects unwavering commitment to addressing the increasingindustry and APHIS partners, were dedicated to preserving and demand for rapid phytosanitary certification among seed com- promoting the integrity of plant health. Each seed that crosses panies active in international trade. The accelerated pace of seedinternational borders has the potential to become a new vari-breeding programs necessitates quicker turnaround times, prompt- ety or food on a familys table, ultimately contributing to global ing the NSHS to further enhance its resources and capabilities. food security. As we continuously strengthen our systems and A noteworthy development this year is the rollout of our pro- processes, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a safe and ficiency testing plan. This important requirement reinforces ourreliable seed trade that benefits both producers and consumers.dedication to scientific rigor and bolsters the confidence our trad- By evolving our practices and enhancing our programs, the ing partners can have in our processes. Were not only enhancingNSHS further demonstrates its position as a cornerstone of the the credibility of the certification process but also ensuring weagricultural sector. Were more than just an accreditation pro-remain relevant in todays dynamic agricultural landscape. gram; were a crucial partner in the global food supply chain. 22/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2025'