b'The Power of Telling our Seed StoriesDear Readers, Im also pleased to bring you snapshots from the It is an honor to welcome you once again to dive intorecent World Agri-Tech South America Summit in So the pages of this magazine, where the voices of thePaulo. This event was a gathering of minds from across Latin American seed sector come alivea sectorthe sector, where leaders discussed sustainable growth as vital as it is often misunderstood. At Seed Worldin emerging markets and the role of South America as LATAM, our work is fueled by a deep commitment toa sustainable food superpower with global impact. The shining a light on seed stories, addressing the sectorssummit highlighted innovations and strategies for thriv-concerns and offering insights into the topics thating despite the challenges posed by climate changematter most to you, our readers. As a trusted voicea topic that is becoming increasingly urgent.BY ELENA MANSURand leading source of information for our sectorsOne article Im particularly proud to introduce is a Associate Editor, industry in Latin America, we also provide a bridgepiece by Daniel Tardito, titled We Arent Gauchos. Seed World LATAM from our vibrant region to the rest of the global seedIn it, he challenges the stereotype that our industry is community through Seed Worlds other publications. made up of simple farmers or rednecks. Instead, he In the hustle of daily work, its easy to forget thatemphasizes that we are scientists and innovators, dedi-the seed sector is more than just a businessits acated to producing high-quality, high-yielding seeds. community: a community of plant breeders, geneti- This message is crucial in helping the public under-cists, agronomists, engineers, scientists, retailers,stand the true value of our work.farmers and more who are dedicated to producing theAs we navigate the future of this industry, its seeds that sustain our world. Yet, despite our com- important that we come together as a community. By munitys strength and this sectors vital importance,participating in National Seed Associations, attending theres often a disconnect between our industry andkey events like the upcoming Seed Congress of the the broader public. Too often, the vital work we doAmericas, and even coming together around the sto-goes unrecognized. ries of our sector, we need to take every opportunity This disconnect is a priority concern that keepsto engage, learn, and collaborate. The Congress, taking coming up in my conversations with industry leaders.place from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 in Buenos Aires, is an Its astonishing that society does not perceive howideal opportunity to discuss the latest developments in fundamentally important this sector is for everyone.regulations, trade, and innovation, to learn from each This is why we at Seed World LATAM are so committedother, and even to meet potential partners on the trad-to telling the seed sectors story. Our goal is to connecting floor. I strongly encourage you to be thereits pieces of the seed value chain, sharing the innovation,a chance to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and insight, energy and expertise that drives this sector,stay at the forefront of our industry. in order that the whole seed sector has the wordsThis issue of Seed World LATAM is packed with it needs to proudly showcase this sectors efforts,information and stories that I hope will inspire and achievements, and outstanding leaders.inform you. Our mission is to bring you the insights and One of the highlights of this edition is my interviewknowledge you need to succeed, and we invite you to with Ignacio Bartolom, CEO of GDM. Ignacio isntengage with us, share your thoughts, and be part of one to give many interviewsours and another withthis conversation. Reach out to us at: Emansur@seed-Forbes were the only two hes allowedbut he sawworldgroup.com.value in our chat because he values sharing his per- Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. spective and story with the seed sector. I was delightedI encourage you to open the pages of this magazine to gain an intimate glimpse into his journeyfromand dive into the wealth of information weve curated being the son of the founder to now captaining thisjust for you.South American agricultural giant. Ignacio shared hisWarm regards,vision for the future, and its clear that GDM is set toElena Mansurcontinue its leadership in research, seeds, and genetics.Associate Editor, Seed World LATAMHis insights are invaluable for anyone interested in the future of agriculture in our region.6/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'