b'ANPROS: National Association of Seed Producersnationally, among other aspects. At the same time, we would (Chile) use the magic wand to guarantee food safety, phytosanitary Mario SchindlerExecutive Director: In an ideal world, the keystatus, and universal compliance with legal seed trade regula-to transforming the seed sector would lie in the global harmoni- tions. These actions would be conducive to a more accessible, zation of phytosanitary, intellectual property and New Breedingcompetitive and sustainable seed market, benefiting the entire Technology (NBT) regulations. Currently, the differing regulationsagri-food chain.and standards in different countries create barriers and complexi-ties that hinder efficiency in the international movement of seed.APESemillas: Peruvian Seed Association Harmonization would allow freer and faster movement of high- Julio VivasGeneral Manager: If I could wave a magic quality seeds, benefiting both producers and consumers, andwand, the first priority would be to establish a comprehensive would encourage innovation and the development of new varie- and updated regulatory framework in Peru that facilitates ties, including those developed through NBTs, that can betterthe adoption of new plant breeding technologies. These address climate change and global food security challenges. technologies, such as gene editing and other advanced techniques, have transformative potential for Peruvian ASEG: Association of Seed Growers of Guatemalaagriculture, enabling a remarkable increase in productivity, Waldemar Dell CampolloExecutive Director: I would elimi- resilience to climate change and crop sustainability. Through nate the divide between the public sector, private sector, farm- these innovations, Peruvian producers could more effectively ers, policymakers and international institutions involved in theaddress global challenges such as food security by adapting to seed production chain. Fostering closer and more harmoniouschanging climate and market conditions. The implementation of collaborations between these sectors is essential to maximizethese technologies would not only improve the competitiveness the potential of the seed sector, to navigate all together withof national agriculture, but also position Peru as a regional science-based information, and to build the bridges necessaryleader in agricultural innovation, attracting foreign investment to achieve the well-being of the population. and fostering international collaborations in the sector. However, for this to be possible, it is essential to overcome the current ASINAGRI: National Association of Agricultural Inputsregulatory challenges and myths associated with the use (Venezuela) of these technologies. We firmly believe that with the right Aurelio SnchezPresident: We need seed technology to besupport, Peru could become a benchmark in the production available to producers who require it to be more efficient in theirof high-quality seeds and the implementation of advanced agricultural production, guaranteeing the competitiveness andtechnologies in agriculture.profitability of agriculture. Seed costs should not be a barrier for farmers to acquire these valuable agricultural inputs, as they areURUPOV: Uruguayan Plant Breeders Associationthe starting point for the entire production process, if we useVictoria StewartOperations Manager: If I could wave a magic quality seeds we have a high guarantee of success. wand and change one thing about the seed sector, I would We could dream of changing the regulatory framework forestablish absolute respect for intellectual property rights, ensur-seeds to have a regional and not national impact, leaving someing that every contribution to the development of new varieties particular issues under the authority of national laws, but tech- is properly recognized and valued. In addition, I would focus on nological advances should be available to all, thus minimizing themaximizing value generation throughout the chain and eradicat-impact of political trends on the technological development ofing the illegal seed trade.the productive sectors. With these measures, we would guarantee the integrity of the market and protect all industry players. In this ideal sce-CUS: Uruguayan Chamber of Seeds (Uruguay) nario, fair and balanced for the interests of all parties, innovation Agustn DamboriarenaGeneral Manager: Considering theand sustainability would be fostered, positioning Uruguay as a importance of foreign trade for the seed sector in Uruguay andreference in the seed sector, where trust and mutual respect are worldwide, we would attempt to change some of the conditionsfundamental pillars for the sustained growth and development of in order to promote a broader and more efficient internationalthe sector.seed trade. This would imply, for example, ensuring universalDo you agree with these priorities? Would you wave a magic access to quality seeds, facilitating import and export processeswand in the same directions? Wed love to hear your thoughts: as well as domestic marketing, and aligning standards inter- reach out to us at Emansur@seedworldgroup.com!SW14/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'