b'brazil brazil chile chilemexico mexicoWaldemar Dell Campollo, ExecutiveAurelio Snchez, President, ASINAGRI brazil mexico chileDirector, ASEG (Guatemala) -(Venezuela) - National Association of Association of Seed Growers ofAgricultural InputsGuatemala OPPORTUNITY:OPPORTUNITY: Sanchez: Avesem, the Venezuelan Association of Seed Dell Campollo: The most important opportunity would beCompanies, has merged in 2024 with AFAQUIMA, the peru peru Association of Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals, becom-the creation of harmonized national and international science-guatamala guatamalaVenezuelaVenezuela based regulatory frameworks. This initiative must involve theing ASINAGRI, which means that Venezuela now has a strength-private sector, legislators, farmers, academia and internationalened guild of agricultural inputs that includes the areas of seeds, institutions. Only through the joint creation of this framework,agrochemicals, fertilizers, among others. We have a great oppor-with legal certainty, can we ensure that innovation and newtunity since we represent a strategic industry for the national seed technologies are effectively applied throughout the entireagricultural production sector. production chain. This will not only allow for the development of agriculture, but also boost the local and regional economy. CHALLENGE: peruSanchez: Currently, our great challenge is to achieve a modernguatamala Venezuela CHALLENGE: regulatory framework that allows access to all Venezuelan pro-Dell Campollo:Overcoming the political, social and cultural bar- ducers who wish to use genetically improved seeds, resistant to riers that arise from the lack of technical and scientific informa- pests and diseases that impact the quality and yield of their crops. tion and assertively communicating the evolution of geneticWe are working on this, and we hope to make significant progress engineering tools, their precision and science-based results.in the medium term by enacting a new seed law for our country.These barriers prevent farmers from accessing seeds of high genetic and physiological quality, produced using the latest breeding techniques. Addressing this challenge is crucial toAgustn Damboriarena, General increasing agricultural productivity and making a positive eco- Manager, CUS (Uruguay) - Uruguayan uruguay uruguay Chamber of Seedsnomic, social and environmental impact in our region.OPPORTUNITY:Damboriarena: For the Uruguayan Chamber of Seeds (CUS), a top priority in the short and medium term is to promote technol-ogy, innovation and sustainability linked to the production, mar-keting and use of seeds. As the global demand for food continues uruguayto grow and climate challenges intensify, it becomes crucial to think about the development, marketing and use of quality seeds that enable productive improvements, high yields and efficient use of resources. Research, development and innovation are essential to continue improving seeds and their respective crops, Only through the joint creation of thisenabling higher agricultural productivity, fostering positive envi-framework, with legal certainty, can we ensureronmental impacts and ensuring food security. In addition, the adoption of technologies such as gene editing and biotechnology that innovation and new seed technologiesoffers companies the opportunity to create new varieties that are effectively applied throughout the entirerespond to environmental and biological challenges and meet the changing needs of the market and of the agri-food chain. production chain. This will not only allow for CHALLENGE:the development of agriculture, but also boostDamboriarena: The greatest challenges stem from the complex-the local and regional economy.ity of all the national and international regulations that impact the possibilities and speed at which new technologies and products can be adopted and their access to the different markets. It is necessary to work on ensuring that these innovations are sup-ported by efficient regulations that facilitate their development and commercialization globally and promote favorable environ-ments for greater R&D investment. To build confidence in new sustainable technologies and practices, we will also need to gen-erate clear and informative communication involving all stake-holders, such as regulators, farmers, consumers and the public.36/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'