b'New Crop Research Concept Leverages Farmers for Mass Crop TrialingCitizen science and the power of three combine to increase food securityin the global south.Kristi Cox, Seed World ContributorCOLLABORATION BETWEENin a limited number of locations and aLeveraging Farmers SkillSCIENTISTSand farmers is alwaysrelatively low total number of plots, canCitizen science is a method of using important in crop variety studies. Thatbe the most scientifically rigorous, themembers of the general public (in this partnership is getting a boost thanksresulting data is very specific to eachcase, farmers) to collect or analyze data, to a new kind of citizen science. Calledtrials growing area and the uniqueusually in collaboration with professional the Triadic Comparison of Technologygrowing conditions of the study year(s).scientists. This allows for high numbers Options (tricot) approach, this simpleGeography, microclimates, weatherof trials across a wide range of locations. but extremely practical and impressivelyevents, regional or individual agronomyPersonal connection to the subject of the effective strategy involves research- preferences, even taste preferences canstudy is a strong motivator for people ers providing seeds to a large numbermean what works in one location mightto actively participate. Van Etten real-of farmers, who then plant the seeds,not meet the needs of a farmer 100kmized farmers interest in access to newer, collect the production data, and reportaway, or even just down the road. Local,better crop varieties could be leveraged their observations back to the scientists.practical, efficient trials are more impor- to enhance crop trialling in multiple parts Initially developed with an eye on thetant than ever, given quickly changingof South America, Africa and Asia. global south, this approach enables thou- climatic conditions.In standard field trials, scientists may sands of farmers to participate in provid- For all these reasons, Jacob van Etten,have a lot of control, but there is low ing data inand gain from the resultsprincipal scientist and director of digitalmotivation for the farmers to do their part of inclusive, practical, very large-scale,inclusion at the Alliance of Bioversityin maintaining the test plots. Scientists real-world trials.International and CIAT, realised citizenneed to be on location to observe results, While conventional trial data, gener- scienceand specifically, the tricotwhich becomes expensive. In addition to ally conducted by scientists themselvesapproachjust might be the answer.(and in part because of) better ongoing A female farmer from Santa Cecilia, Costa Rica. She planted the Tricot plots. PHOTO: SERGIO PUERTO24/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'