b'We are not GauchosEVERY DAY,each of Argentinas 45 million citizensOf Argentinas 37.4 million hectares dedicated to finds something on their table that was produced by aagriculture (excluding livestock), the State claims the farmer somewhere in the country. Beyond feeding itstotal output from 20.5% of the sown area. To survive own population, Argentinas agriculture also sustainsthis competition, todays producers must manage hundreds of millions of people worldwide throughadvanced technologies, latest-generation animal and exports. These exports include both direct consump- plant genetics, precise soil and water management tion products like fruits, vegetables, meat, edible oils,strategies, satellite geo-referencing, precision agri-biofuels, wines, and legumes, as well as indirect prod- culture, artificial insemination, embryo transplanting, ucts like vegetable protein for animal feed, which isirrigation, and sophisticated machinery. BY DANIEL TARDITO,ultimately converted into meat, milk, and eggs world- Additionally, professionals from many different dis-professor atwide. ciplines work hard to enhance efficiency in production ArgentinasIt seems incredible that such a relevant, strategicand transformation processes. This effort explains why, University ofand traditional sector is not perceived as such by soci- in a country decimated productively and economically Belgrano in theety, and I understand that this is absolutely our sectorsby recurrent and endless crises, Argentinas agricultural Faculty of Agriculturalresponsibility and not the consumers. sector remains one of the most competitive on the Sciences, and directorLet me clarify: though we in all parts of agricultureplanet, ranking fourth behind China, the United States, of the consultingare dedicated to farming, we are not necessarily goodand Brazil.firm Daniel Tardito yhorsemen, we do not necessarily recite the MartinThe general notion that fields and farms are merely Asociados. Fierro, play the guitar and dance the zamba. Nor aresuppliers of agricultural products, generously provided we skillful throwing the lasso or tapping our bootsby nature, without recognizing the thousands of hours and doing the malambo. We dont necessarily wearof research, labor, investment, and risk involved, is a bombacha pants, boots and a wide-brimmed hat. Thatseverely distorted misunderstanding in society. The gaucho version, the mixture of crocodile Dundee withcow does not just give milk; the sheep its wool; the bee Patoruz that we are so often characterized by urbanits honey; birds their eggs, or plants their fruits. Every citizens, is not real. day, thousands of producers make that happen, with Its important to highlight that, unlike most eco- increasingly sophisticated technologies. Much like in nomic activities, agricultural producers compete handmedicine and information technology, we are a global to hand with the rest of the worlds producers. Ourreference point. However, this is not widely recognized competitors arent just our neighbors or other regionalby society.producers; they are scattered around the world, doingI believe that there is a folkloric paradigm that has the same as us and fighting for the same markets. Thegenerated a misunderstanding between the country-big difference is that they have predictability, long-termside and the city, and it has its roots in the Industrial government policies, and often, government subsidies.Revolution when migration to the cities was seen as In contrast, Argentinas agriculture lacks such support- a social ascent. Electricity, education, health services, ive measures and, paradoxically, ends up subsidizingentertainment and new opportunities created an urban the state. dweller who was considered conceptually superior 40/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'