b"brazil mexico chileIn addition, the adoption of technologies such as gene editing and biotechnology offers companies the opportunity to create new varieties that respond to environmental and biological challenges and perumeet the changing needs of the market and of the agri-food chain.guatamala Venezuela Victoria Stewart, Operations Manager,ening the relationship between the association and its members.URUPOV (Uruguay) - Uruguayan PlantURUPOV's continued support in solving the problems that its Breeders Association members face will not only strengthen this relationship, but will also encourage the creation of new plant varieties that respond OPPORTUNITY: more precisely to market demands. Ultimately, this will benefit Stewart: In the medium term, one of theproducers and contribute to the strengthening of the country's most important opportunities for Uruguay in the seed sectorentire agricultural sector.is to consolidate and expand its position as a reliable supplier of high-quality seeds adapted to diverse climatic and produc- CHALLENGE:tive conditions globally. Uruguay already has a solid regulato y Stewart: At the country level, the biggest challenge to realize urugua ry framework that protects breeders' rights and guarantees seedthis opportunity does not lie in making drastic changes, but in quality through robust systems of certification, traceability andmaintaining, updating and strengthening the existing system, value generation throughout the chain, which allows us to offeradapting it to an increasingly competitive global environment. products with international standards and guaranteed recogni- Although Uruguay already has a solid regulatory framework in tion for the use of genetics. place, it is crucial to ensure that this framework evolves continu-Building on this solid foundation, we must continue to driveously, facilitating in an agile manner the incorporation of biotech-innovation in the development of new varieties and in the opti- nological innovations.mization of our agricultural and technological practices. ThisIt is essential to continue promoting awareness of the impor-includes the adoption of advanced technologies in biotechnol- tance of intellectual property among all actors in the produc-ogy, data management and sustainable practices, which willtion chain, ensuring compliance with regulations and respect for enable us to respond with agility to the challenges of climateplant breeders' rights. This will ensure that the value generated change and the specific demands of the markets. by innovations is generated and distributed equitably along the In addition, opening new markets and diversifying our exportchain, which is essential to encourage innovation, the develop-destinations are essential to increasing our competitiveness. It isment of new varieties, support research and attract investments not only a matter of improving production, but also of adaptingthat will drive sustained growth in the sector.our offerings to the needs of different regions and establishingIn this context, URUPOV faces the challenge of ensuring strategic alliances that will enable us to access more demandingeffective and constant communication with its partners. This not markets with greater added value. only involves establishing and maintaining channels of dialogue, By combining our current strengths with a clear vision of inno- but also fostering an environment of trust in which members feel vation and expansion, Uruguay has the opportunity to consolidatecomfortable sharing their concerns and needs. To achieve this, its position as a global leader in the seed sector, positioning theURUPOV prepares itself on a daily basis to adapt its services and country as a benchmark in sustainable and high-tech agriculture. technologies in an agile and flexible manner, responding effec-As far as URUPOV is concerned, a key opportunity is totively to the information gathered and thus strengthening its deepen and broaden the spaces for dialogue with its partners,activities and the representation of all its partners who operate which will allow a better understanding of their needs andthroughout the seed chain (from the development of new varie-challenges. This will make it easier for URUPOV to design moreties, through production to the marketing of seeds of superior effective and customized services and solutions, thus strength- quality and proven identity).SWLATAMSEEDWORLD.COM /37"