b"For GDM, while Argentina is important because its our home country, Brazil truly drives our company forward. Brazil accounts for about 70% of our total turnover, the U.S. contributing 17-18% and Argentina about 12%. Although our roots and culture are from Argentina, our business is predominantly centered in Brazil, and we are experiencing substantial growth in the United States as well.For Latin America, a tremendous opportunity is leverag-ing Brazils incredible growth potential. Brazils vast hectares, advanced technology, and substantial investments make it a powerhouse in the seed industry. By capitalizing on Brazil's development, neighboring countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia can grow and emerge globally. Competing in Brazil prepares us to excel globally, as their production levels rival those of the United States, Europe, and Asia. We can con-fidently extend our reach worldwide by embracing Brazil as an anchor and launching point.SW LATAM: What are some of the major obstacles or challenges that could hinder the achievement of these opportunities?Bartolom:If Europe weren't still undecided about whether gene editing is a GMO, the regulatory process would be much cheaper and faster. This would enable quicker innovation, allow-ing more products to be developed and reach the market with greater value. This improvement is crucial because it lowers entry barriers for companies like ours to create innovative prod- years. Our ability to plan for decades, not just quarters, provides ucts, ultimately adding more value to agriculture. a significant advantage in sustaining innovation and growth.The potential of biotechnology and gene editing largely depends on regulatory decisions. If it were up to us, we couldSW LATAM: And what advice would you give to other, launch an edited product next year. However, Europe's lack ofperhaps smaller, private seed companies?definition on whether to classify gene editing as GMO or non- Bartolom: Smaller private seed companies should be encour-GMO is slowing down innovation and development. aged to compete and grow by focusing on the end customer and developing value. By doing so, they can successfully SW LATAM: GDM started as a family business and isexpand. They should also be open to collaborations, as no coun-now growing to compete with giants like Corteva andtry's seed industry can function and do everything on its own. Bayer, adopting the characteristics of a multinational.In today's world, seeking partnerships is essential, especially What distinguishes GDM from other public or largeamong private companies with similar cultures and challenges. private companies, and why is it important for privateCollaborating can help overcome difficulties and drive mutual companies to play an active role in the industry?growth.Bartolom: The direct involvement of the shareholders or owners, who are often visible and present, results in a greaterSW LATAM: Do you envision eventually retiring dedication to daily operations. This personal involvement meansfrom GDM and passing the company on to the next that the final decision-makers, who are the company owners,generation of the Bartolom family?have a vested interest in the company's success and future. Bartolom:Absolutely. My vision for GDM goes beyond imme-Family-owned companies can make quick decisions, gener- diate growth and innovation. I hope that it transcends to other ate changes, and maintain close relationships with their teams,generations of my family, that is, my children and my sisters' clients, and distributors. Family-owned businesses think in termschildren, remaining a family business that consistently adds of generations, being more centered on the company's lastingvalue and competes on a global scale.vision and legacy than on its short-term fluctuations. This long- Building an international company isn't something that hap-term perspective is crucial, particularly in the seed and agricul- pens from one year to the next. It's a long-term ambition that will tural sectors, where development processes can take 5 to 10take several decades to achieve.SWLATAMSEEDWORLD.COM /11"