b'Food security in Peru faces significant challenges, including the needs to ensure the quality and availability of seeds for farmers. To address this challenge, APES and the Ministry of TransformingAgrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI) are working closely on several important initiatives seeking to transform the countrys seed sector.Agriculture One of the most prominent efforts is the promotion of the use of high quality seeds. Only the 15% of the seeds cu-rrently used in Peru meet optimal standards. With the deve-SEEDS FROMlopment of new homologation protocols for imported corn seeds, APES and MIDAGRI are seeking to increase this PERU FOR THErate to 45%. This change will not only improve the crop quality, but will also ensure greater availability of quality WORLD seed for Peruvian farmers.At the same time, work is underway to update the Seed Law and its regulations. This regulatory reform aims to create a Peru is a megadiverse country, with vast climates, soils, avai- better environment for innovation and competitiveness in lability of water resources, etc. This diversity, complementedthe seed sector. By establishing clear and updated regula-by a technical and specialized manpower, has allowed the suc- tions, it will encourage the development of new technolo-cessful development of production systems in different seasonalgies and improve the quality of production throughout the periods. In this context, the production of quality seeds standschain.out which turns Peru as a strategic commercial partner for the development of this activity. Anothercrucialaspectistheproductionandexportof off-season hybrid seeds. Given the seasonality of production in the northern hemisphere, APES aims to become a driving force for growing and transfor- Peru has the opportunity to position itself as a key supplier of hybrid seeds. In 2023, exports ming agriculture in our country. We promote the use, produc- reached US$91 million in FOB value, and work is underway to integrate small producers tion and commercialization of high quality seeds for both theinto this production chain. Finally, the implementation of new technologies in plant bree-domestic and international markets. In addition, we encourageding, such as gene editing, is essential to address climate change and ensure food security. the use of advanced plant breeding techniques, which allow usAPES and MIDAGRI, together with the National Institute for Agrarian Innovation (INIA), to develop not only high qualityare promoting these advanced technologies, although an appropriate regulatory framework seeds, but to also meet the challen- is required for their research and commercialization. These initiatives reflect Perus com-ges of todays agriculture, such as:mitment to innovation and quality in the seed sector, ensuring a more secure and sustainable climate change and food security.future for the countrys agriculture.This is achieved, specially, throu-gh the articulated work with the differentactorsoftheNational Seed System. This cooperation is crucialtopromoteanddevelopGROWING TOGETHER: APES AND THE policiesthatcreateapropitiousFUTURE OF THE INDUSTRYenvironmentforthegrowthof the seed sector. This will ensure aAt APES, we are firmly committed to the constant growth and innovation of the agricultu-solid response to the needs of ourral sector. Throughout the years, we have established strategic alliances with national and agricultural sector. international companies, as well as with governmental entities, which has allowed us to enhance our ability to innovate and develop as a seed industry, as well as to improve and We have recently implemented astreamline the integration of the different actors of the National Seed System, allowing us rebranding that reflects our coreto develop comprehensive solutions that benefit the entire agricultural value chain in an ar-values:innovation,qualityandticulated manner. We believe that working together is essential to promote the development sustainability. This new approach not only reaffirms our com- of the sector and face the global challenges of agriculture, such as food security and climate mitment to the agricultural development, but also strengthenschange.our identity as a leader in the seed sector. With a modern design and clear communication, APES continues building trust andA crucial part of our success lies in our close collaboration with MIDAGRI and its affi-consolidating its position as a strategic allied partner for theliated agencies, such as the seed authority, the growth and transformation of agriculture in Peru. National Agricultural Health Service (SENA-SA),theNationalInstituteforAgricultural Innovation (INIA), AGRORURAL and others. Through this joint work, we ensure that the seedsproducedandusedinPerumeetthe highest standards of quality and safety, thus guaranteeing the protection of our crops and the competitiveness of our seed production in international markets; likewise, we seek the implementation of rules and regulations that favor the sustainable development of the seed sector, and joint participation has been essential to achieve our common objectives.Finally, we would like to extend an invitation to all actors in the agricultural sector, both public and private, to work together to promote and strengthen the seed sector. Only through TOWARDS A SECUREa great collaboration, we can continue to drive innovation, sustainability and food security, FUTURE: SEED INNOVATIONensuring a prosperous future for our communities and for agriculture.AND SEED QUALITY FOR FOOD SECURITY - LUIS BURGOS, President of APES'