b'TOP MANAGEMENT MAVERICKS OF NORTH AMERICACANADABRYCE EGERVice-President for Seeds Research and Development, Corteva AgriscienceAttributes:Respectful,ers, farmers and consumers. He connects with people to help Transformational, Inclusive, Strategic,solve business challenges and provides mentorship and coach-Inspiring ing. His calm and thoughtful approach to emotional situations leads to positive outcomes. Bryce is a leader who listens, asks Nominators said:Bryce led more thanquestions, encourages discussion and fosters collaboration. 700 Canadian employees through the merger of Dow, DuPont and Pioneer,More about Bryce:He leads innovation management and building a unique blend of the best from all companies. HeR&D strategy. His team develops investment decisions for emphasized leadership development, role clarity, customer sup- the seeds pipeline from discovery through commercialization. port, mentorship, communication and accountability. BrycesHis career began with Cargill, where he gained experience in leadership, marked by humility, compassion, and leading bygrain and crop input retail operations, grain merchandising, example, resulted in Canadian employee satisfaction surveyssales, marketing and general management. He enjoys spending being among the highest in the global company. He was instru- time on the 6 FsFamily, Friends, Food, Flora, Fauna and mental in Corteva being recognized as one of Albertas TopFarming.Employers in 2022. He positively impacts employees, custom-MARISSA JANSSEN Manager, University of Saskatchewan Crop Development Centre (CDC) Attributes:Strategic, Innovative,knowledge and now adeptly manages these activities. Inspirational, Adaptable, DependableMore about Marissa:She stands at the forefront of agricul-Nominators said:Marissa creativelytural innovation with a robust 15-year tenure in global roles. leads with innovation. She is unafraidShe has expertise in strategic planning, collaboration, contract to try new things and is quick to makemanagement and projects. Marissa earned a bachelors degree pivotal changes. She swiftly identifiesand masters degree of laws in international trade and invest-what works and what needs immediate change. Her decisionsment law from the University of Amsterdam. As a certified are sound, bold and strategic. Marissa promotes excellenceleadership coach, she nurtures positive workplace dynamics and camaraderie within her team. She propels initiatives byand aligns operational strategies with core values. Her ability stratigically refining processes and challenging conventions.to cultivate a high-performance culture and adapt to an ever-Marissas dual expertise in law and human resources haschanging environment has been instrumental. Most recently, significantly enhanced the centres operations. With no priorshe worked on a new economic footprint assessment report, experience in crop development, variety license agreementshighlighting the impact of the CDC on western Canadian or Plant Breeders Rights, she swiftly acquired the necessaryagriculture.CAREY MATTHIESSENDirector of Operations/Senior Analyst, 20/20 Seed Labs Attributes:Ambitious, Passionate,tools that deliver precise outcomes for the industry. Her hands-Resilient, Understanding, Leader on leadership style ensures that the team is well-equipped to handle any challenges.Nominators said:Careys ambitious nature and relentless drive make her aMore About Carey:Growing up in agriculture, Carey always one of the best problem solvers in theknew she wanted to work in agriculture. Carey has worked in industry. Her ability to tackle complexagriculture for more than 25 years, joining 20/20 Seed Labs in issues head-on and find innovative solutions demonstrates her2005. Her passion for plants and nature has driven her career, exceptional leadership skills. She creates a positive and produc- allowing her to work closely with farmers and the agricultural tive work environment by managing every aspect of activitiescommunity. Her goal is to be at the forefront of the industry, with precision and care. She fosters a culture of teamwork andoffering services that enhance production on Canadian farms. continuous improvement, ensuring that all team members feelShe actively researches new technologies and methodologies to valued and empowered. Carey sees the business as a series ofprovide reliable information on seed quality. Carey lives in a moving parts, each requiring careful attention and manage- small agricultural community outside of Edmonton, Alta., and ment. She has developed tools to monitor project and analyticalenjoys trail running, riding her horses, and spending time in activities, demonstrating her innovative approach to problem- the valley teaching her children about plants and ecology.solving. Carey identifies areas for improvement and creates SEPTEMBER 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 5'