b'THE SEED INDUSTRY MUST STAY FOCUSED DURING TENSE TIMESASTAs Andy LaVigne recently told an audience of Seeds Canada members that the North American ag sector has to remain engaged despite the challenges playing out in front of them.Marc ZienkiewiczTHE POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT in the United States is described by American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) President and CEO Andy LaVigne as a heated mess, reflecting deep divisions and challenges in passing meaningful legislation. Despite this, he emphasizes the need for the agricultural sector to remain engaged and proactive in driving policy and innovation. We have to drive these policies, maneuver through the mess, and ensure we can actually move forward, he said in his keynote address to the 200 attendees of the Seeds Canada Annual Conference in Edmonton, Alta., in July. LaVigne began by emphasizing the importance of owning the agricultural narrative. If we let somebody else tell our story, were not going to win, he said, stressing the need for the agricultural community to be proactive in communicating its innovations and contribu-tions. He highlighted the crucial trade relationships between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The political climate in North America plays a significant role in shaping agricultural policies and trade agreements. LaVigne pointed out the recent election of a new president in Mexico and the ongoing challenges withAndy LaVigne, ASTA President and CEO.Mexicos stance on GMOs, highlighting the importance of cooperation and dialogue between the neighbouring countries.LaVigne also addressed the broader geopolitical issues In the United States, the upcoming presidential electionaffecting agriculture, underscoring the role of food security in poses uncertainty for agricultural policies, he said.maintaining global stability. There is a way forward, and we need to figure out how toWhen people are hungry, unrest happens, he said, navigate through this. We need to find the adults in the roomemphasizing the interconnectedness of global stability and and move forward. I think we all deal with these frustrations,food security. He mentioned the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, and unfortunately, were in a challenging cycle right now, heRussia, the Middle East and Africa, highlighting their direct said.implications for the agricultural sector. We have a lot to address, but we must move forwardweInnovation in agriculture is crucial for its future, and he cant sit back and wait for the right people in Congress, thepraised Canadas scientifically based policy on gene editing, White House, or the EPA. We need to act now and maneuverstating, Canada probably has the best scientifically based through this to ensure progress.policy dealing with gene editing anywhere. 14 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA SEPTEMBER 2024'