b'If the sector is facing significantthe CSGA, that this arrangement isJahn says if the CFIA ever decides to challenges because of a stipulation ininappropriate by todays governancemake changes to the Act, having input the Act, or if the Act, as written, is toostandards, and there is no workaroundfrom balanced stakeholders would be prescriptive to allow for the sector tovia regulation, then that warrants ainvaluable. respond to future market demands, thenchange. She added that CFIA is open to that warrants the Act being opened, sheSeeds Canada is motivated tomaking changes to the Act when there is adds.achieve the original goals established bya clearly demonstrated need.The authority given to the CSGAthe CFIA for the SRM process, she says:Having a solid advisory board to through the Act is a significant oversightmodernize and future-proof our frame- provide well-rounded input could make in our existing legislative framework.work, and create a level playing field forthe process smoother and more effective If theres general agreement, beyondall parties in seed production.in the long run, she adds. THE ISSB IS MEANT TO EMPHASIZE INDEPENDENCE AND INCLUSIVITY: JORDANThe most significant difference between proposals or concepts related to standards setting for seed lies in their organizational structure and inclusiveness, says Trish Jordan, an independent consultant who authored Seeds Canadas draft report on its Independent Standards Setting Body (ISSB) proposal unveiled at its annual meeting in Edmonton, Alta., in July. Thats why, according to her report, Seeds Canadas ISSB concept is a viable way to help propel the Canadian seed sector into the future that stands out compared to the Canadian Seed Growers Association (CSGA) idea for a Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee.The seed industry is broad and diverse, encompassing grain companies, breeders, seed analysts, and life science companies. In contrast, the CSGA is a more focused entity, comprised solely of seed growers with centralized decision-making power, she says.Trish Jordan authored the draft report on the Independent Standards The ISSB concept stands out for its emphasis on independenceSetting Body issued by Seeds Canada this past summer.and inclusivity. Unlike CSGAs proposed initiative, the ISSB is designed to be an industry-wide concept. between these differing entities to find a way forward. Theres a Jordan is no stranger to the seed industry. During her extensivegeneral consensus that action is necessary, and we need to make career in agriculture, shes worked for Bayer Crop Sciencedecisions promptly, she says. Ultimately, the Canadian Food as senior business partner, government and industry affairs;Inspection Agency (CFIA), as the regulator, will make the final Monsanto as director, public & industry affairs; and in seniordecision. I dont think the CFIA should be deferring to the CSGA communications roles for the Canadian Wheat Board, Canadianbased on their perception of the power delegated to CSGA in the Foodgrains Bank and Alberta Wheat Pool. Seeds Act. We need to think much more broadly.If formed, the ISSB would represent a diverse collective, bringingIn discussions with CFIA, Jordan found a receptive attitude together varied viewpoints, experiences, and perspectives, shetowards the ISSB concept, she says. says. This is a significant departure from the CSGA proposal,The ISSB would not be a decision-making body but an advising which consolidates decision-making within a single board ofone, providing well-rounded advice from the industry, she says. directors, made up only of seed growers, according to Jordan.For instance, if the ISSB recommends a legislative or policy Jordan points out that while CSGAs efforts to developchange, CFIA could proceed with greater assurance, backed by committees for input are commendable, the centralization ofindustry support. decision-making power remains a concern. For those withinIf the change proves successful, its a collective win. If it doesnt, the industry seeking inclusivity and broader representation, thisCFIA has the backing of the industrys recommendation to poses a significant challenge, she says. defend the decision, and they can work together to fix things if a In her draft report, Jordan emphasizes the need for collaborationsuggested change doesnt turn out to be helpful, Jordan says.10 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA SEPTEMBER 2024'