b'GIANT VIEWSWHATS IT GOING TO TAKE FOR LATAM TO FIND ITS PLACE IN THE GLOBAL SEED SECTOR?THE SEED INDUSTRYis currently facing a series of significantseed associations is disseminating this challenges, with climate change being one of the main elementsinformation, as well as assisting in its defining the future of the sector. We are also being reshaped byinterpretation.globalization: whereas each countrys seed sector used to work3. Active participation: Companies mostly within its own borders, the shipping of seed across inter- should be involved in regulatory discus-national bordersespecially due to the growing importancesions through associations and technical of contra-season productionis now big business. As a sector,groups. Cross-country collaboration with as seed associations and as individual companies, we need toregulatory sectors is crucial to influence interpret the many changes ahead as opportunities. policies and ensure their relevance.Some of our international trading partners seem to imagine4. Adapting to a dynamic Industry: By Diego Risso Latin America as politically and/or technologically behind.The ongoing challenge is the interaction Executive DirectorNorth America and Europe often seem to want to dominate orbetween private parties and regulators to URUPOV and SAA Uruguayaninfluence regulations and practices, without necessarily under- update regulations, ensure that they dont Plant Breedersstanding the local realities in Latin America. In fact, agricul- become obsolete and allow for growth Association ture in countries such as Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Argentinaand innovation in the sector.is very high-tech today. Thanks to globalization, access toI want to stress the importance of advanced technologies has been facilitated and today the dif- cooperation in the seed industry. No one ferences between North and South America are smaller. Ascompany can develop all the necessary someone who works with countries right across the Americas,technologies and seed on its own; no one from Canada in the North to Chile in the South, I experiencecountrys seed industry can fully func-and appreciate how much unique value each countrys seedtion without connection to and collabo-sector delivers to the global seed industry. We need to celebrateration with others. the perspectives and value each country delivers. The future of the seed industry in Many South American countries have positioned themselvesLatin America is full of challenges and strongly as developers of new technologies. However, interna- opportunities, but requires a thorough tional cooperation to produce and develop new technologiesunderstanding of science-based regula-continuously is fundamental. This is particularly importanttions and the active participation of from countries providing contra-season services, such asits stakeholders. Cooperation between Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Peru, which have become keycompanies and investment in new tech-partners for Canada and the United States. Because of the closenologies will be essential for the industry contra-season partnerships, it is key to integrate the private,to not only survive, but to thrive in an public and regulatory systems of North America, Central andincreasingly demanding global environ-South America. ment. To streamline the production of new genetics and technolo-gies in the seed industry, we need to navigate the diversity ofEditors Note: The 9 thSeed Congress of regulations and practices around the Americas and around thethe Americas conference is coming up in world. This navigation requires: Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 30 - Oct 2. 1. Science-based regulations:Regulators must enableThe Congress is something that every North technologies that allow farmers to produce seeds more effi- American company should consider attend-ciently, safely and sustainably. Eliminating ideologies anding: its arguably the single best opportunity politics is vital to operate safely and without unnecessaryto collaborate on strategy, build partner-bureaucracy acting as trade barriers. Active collaboration of allships and develop the trading relationships kinds of stakeholders with the regulatory sector is crucial toto drive Latin Americas seed businessinfluence policies and ensure their relevance. and your ownforward. Register using 2. Understanding and knowing how to interpretSeed Worlds special promo code (SWL-regulations: Regulations define and shape the course of theSAA) to get 10% off registration. industry. A key priority across the seed sector and especially for 48 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADASEPTEMBER 2024'