b"THE ISSB CONCEPT HAS RUN UP AGAINST A LEGISLATIVE WALLThe Canadian Food Inspection Agency says implementing the idea fully could take as long as a decade.Marc Zienkiewicz, Seed World Canada Senior EditorSEEDS CANADA'S PUSH for a transforma- ommend standards to the CFIA, a role tive industry advisory body is just onecurrently given to the Canadian Seed part of its ongoing efforts to modern- Growers Association (CSGA). ize the agricultural sector. Yet, the roadWhile regulatory modifications can to regulatory reform is fraught withaddress some issues, any change to the complexities, as attendees of its annualauthority given directly to the CSGA in meeting in Edmonton, Alta., discoveredthe Act would necessitate opening the in July. Seeds Act, Jahn says.The advisory body, known as theThe authority to establish seed crop Independent Standards Setting Bodyvarietal purity standards and assess if (ISSB), was envisioned to play a crucialthose standards have been met is cur-role in setting standards, but accordingrently given directly to CSGA by the Act to Canadian Food Inspection Agency not delegated to them by CFIA.(CFIA) Seed Section National Manager Wendy Jahn, implementing the recom- Frustrationmendation for this body to includeSeed industry representatives are pushing moving standard setting for seed cropfor evolving regulations to better serve varietal purity to the CFIA requiresthe agricultural sector. Lauren Comin,Lauren Comin is policy director for Seeds amending the Seeds Act.policy director for Seeds Canada, saysCanada.The current process of Seedthe SRM process was initially seen as a Regulatory Modernization (SRM) affectsgroundbreaking opportunity to revolu-the Seeds Regulations, and doesnt pro- tionize seed production and commercial pose to change the Act itself. seed sale regulations. From her perspec-It is not possible to say exactly howtive, thats changed.long it would take to change the Act, butComin says Seeds Canada expected it could take as much as 10 years, shesignificant changes to be made via SRM, says. However, she says implementingeven if it meant reopening the Seeds Act. an advisory body and realizing all theShe says Seeds Canada was led to benefits from that can be done withoutbelieve that major change was possible this change.through SRM, including those that The first step is for Seeds Canadawould require opening the Seeds Act. and others to demonstrate the urgencyIt was my understanding that if there and the significance of the problem thatwas a significant change that required this amendment would need to address,opening the Act, it would be entertained. according to Jahn. Considering SRMCFIA encouraged seed industry stake-is set to wrap up in 2026, that timelineholders to think big. CFIAs recent might not be a workable one. comments seem to indicate their willing-Why? Because according to the draftness to make the required changes forWendy Jahn serves as the national manager for plan released by Seeds Canada leadingmodernization and future-proofing is nothe Canadian Food Inspection Agencys Seed up to the meeting, the ISSB would rec- longer there, Comin says.Section.8 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA SEPTEMBER 2024"