b'ISTA: A CENTURY OF PROGRESS INSEED QUALITY ASSURANCE 2024 marks the International Seed Trade Associations 100th birthday. The impact ISTA makes on the global seed trade is nothing short of critical. Dr. Andreas Wais, Secretary General, and Dr. Keshavulu Kunusoth, President, International Seed Testing AssociationFOUNDED IN 1924 in Cambridge, England, Issuing (exclusively via ISTA accredited the International Seed Testing Associationlaboratories) ISTA International Seed Analysis (ISTA) is inextricably linked with the historyCertificates, which truly reflect the quality of of seed testing. Today, member laboratorieseach seed lot; andand sampling entities, personal members and Promoting research, training, publishing associate members represent over 80 countriesand information in all areas of seed science and worldwide. technology, as well as cooperating with related The associations main purpose is toorganizations. develop, adopt and publish standard proce-dures for seed sampling and testing and to pro-mote uniform application of these proceduresDr. Andreas Wais, Secretary for evaluating seeds moving in internationalGeneraltrade.The secondary purposes of the associationISTA Valuesare to actively promote research in all areas of seed science and technology (includingVision Mission Objectivessampling, testing, storing, processing and dis-tributing seeds), to encourage variety (cultivar)Uniformity inOur Association T o develop, adopt and publish certification, to participate in conferences andseed qualityproducesinternationally agreed standard training courses aimed at furthering theseevaluationinternationallyprocedures (Rules) for sampling and objectives, and to establish and maintain liai- worldwide. agreed rules fortesting seeds.seed sampling andTo promote uniform application of son with other organizations having commontesting, accreditsstandard procedures for evaluation or related interests in seed. laboratories,of seed involved in international As an authority in seed science and tech- promotes research,trade.provides nology, ISTA continues its role as the devel- international seedTo award accreditation to oper of seed testing methods. Briefly, its majoranalysis certificateslaboratories.achievements to date include the following: and training, andTo actively promote research and disseminatesdissemination of knowledge in seedDeveloping the ISTA International Rulesknowledge in seedscience and technology, for the for Seed Testing, which provides annuallyscience andsampling, testing, storing, updated uniform seed testing methods world- technology. Thisprocessing, and distribution of facilitates seedseeds.wide; trading nationallyDelivering the ISTA Accreditationand internationally,To provide international seed and also contributesanalysis certificates and training Programme, which includes the accreditationto food security. courses.standard, proficiency testing and auditing,To encourage variety (cultivar) guaranteeing worldwide harmonized seed test- certification.ing results;28 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA SEPTEMBER 2024'