b'BIG GOALS, BIG PARTNERSHIPSKey seed industry players SeedNet and Alberta Grains are joining others around the Western Crop Innovations table.Marc ZienkiewiczWESTERN CROP INNOVATIONS (WCI) is attracting some majorSince its inception April 1, WCI has welcomed new mem-attention from new members as more players in the seedbers Alberta Grains and SeedNet, with Alberta Beef Producers sector come to the table to help chart a path forward for thejoining as well. These partnerships are critical to WCIs future, organization.he said, and more announcements can be expected soon.Formerly known as the Field Crop Development Centre (FCDC), WCI held its first field day at the end of July atRegional Varieties CriticalAgSmart in Olds, Alta., where it showcased research innova- As general manager of SeedNet, Jeff Jackson understands the tions including Western Canadas only dedicated breedingcritical importance of breeding regionally adapted varieties. programs for triticale and feed/forage barley. He knows the consequences of losing this capability are stark Weve got a veteran team thats weathered many ups andfor growers.downs over the years. My goal was to reassure them about theFor me, the number one consequence is probably competi-future, laying the groundwork for stability and confidence,tiveness, he says. Its a global market that Canadas farmers said Mark Olson, interim executive director for WCI. deal with, and if we dont have varieties targeted to our specific Olson is continuing to work with his staff and suppliers inclimate, pests and other threats in Western Canada, our pro-establishing WCI as an independent entity capable of pivotingducers could become uncompetitive on the global stage.to new opportunities. WCI is entering into preliminary discus- SeedNets recent membership in WCI is a strategic move sions within the industry to expand its program, looking at notto bolster this competitiveness. In an interview at AgSmart, just breeding but also agronomy and extension where there areJackson emphasized the broader value of this collaboration.service gaps in Alberta and beyond. Its about ensuring that we have appropriate varieties or culti-Transitioning can be challenging, but establishing strongvars that perform when needed, bringing value to the entire value relationships with stakeholders early on is vital, Olsonchain, from seed to end users, he says. This partnership is not explains. Reassuring them that we have a clear plan and vision,just about benefiting SeedNet, but is also meant to support local and that their support is indispensable, really forms the founda- producers and the entire agricultural ecosystem.tion of our strategy.The staff of Western Crop Innovations pose for a photo at the AgSmart event in Olds, Alta.18 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA SEPTEMBER 2024'