b'PARTNER CONTENTFrom Backpacks to Seed Packs:Get Ready to Learn the Art of Grading I ts September, which means school buses are rolling, playgrounds are buzzing, and class is back in session. Back to school has me thinking about back to school for the seed industry too. But, where kids around the province are mourning the end of summer freedom, I myself am totally excited about opportunities to teach our seed expertise to future seed graders and beyond! To become a certified seed grader, one needs to take a rigorous Canadian Food Inspection Agency By Morganexam. Future graders have a couple of options to Webb, prepare: they can take a remote or in-person version of President, Seed Checka book-learning course, or they can dig their hands into Technologies real-life seed grading at a lab like ours.In our two-day course, participants work right alongside our accredited analysts, gaining hands-on experience in every part of the grading process. While book-learning has its benefits, its entirely different to sit at a purity desk, carefully sifting through a sample, identifying weed seeds, and understanding the intrica-cies that affect the purity and quality of a seed lot. The tactile experience of seed grading really brings the theory to life. At least as importantly, future seed graders who take our course get to hang out with our team. Asking real-world questions, getting a feel for the day-in andWho typically takes our courses? Future seed grad-day-out of seed testing, and absorbing our teams genu- ers, of course, but the list is far wider than that. We ine passion for our role in the seed industry is the kindwelcome people from all areas of the seed value chain, of thing you just cant learn from a book.from future graders and reclamation specialists to office One question weve been asked probably 100 timesmanagers. Some come because they need the qualifi-is: why do we offer seed grading courses? Its not tocations to grade seed at their establishments, others make money: our course is inexpensive and the oppo- are here to deepen their knowledge of the seed world. site of efficient: we run the course on an as-requestedSome are new to the field, others have years of experi-basis, which often means its a one-on-one student toence, but all of them share that same spark of curiosity instructor ratio. There are really three reasons we cameas they learn the ins and outs of seed grading. Theres a up with this course idea and are still excited about offer- kind of magic in seeing them pick up a seed, examine it ing it, over 20 years and over 100 students later.closely under their lens, and begin to understand what I1) ts the kind of course we wish wed had accessmakes it pure, viable, or problematic.to when we joined the world of seed grading.So if you find yourself needing or wanting a deeper 2)We want to inspire a new generation of seedunderstanding of seed grading, maybe its time to headgraders to join our industry. What better wayback to school. Our microscopes are ready, are you?than letting them have an immersive, educationalSeed Check Technologies Inc. offers customizable sneak-peak?courses for anyone looking to learn more about seed. 3)We run these all year around and customize them to We value the relationships. Many of our students years later, areclose friends. Countless othersalign with clients needs. We just need three to four are great industry connections. By the end ofweeks notice to put together a course. If youre inter-the two days, the participants are so more thanested in taking part, or even just stopping in for a coffee studentstheyre part of our community.and a chat, send me a note at morgan@seedcheck.net. SEPTEMBER 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 21'