b'ing the sector in global institutions (Phase 2), responding to evolving seed sector structure (Phase 3) and continuing global expansion through national and regional associations (Phase 4). Currently, the roles may be formulated with the following words: i) platform for members; ii) foresight and proactivity; iii) representation; iv) regulating the trade; and v) communication. Associations are translators. ISF translates the needs of the sector to the language of policymakers and society, while at times it also needs to translate political realities to the business language of the members.Phase 5: Opening UpThe world will continue to evolve. Intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations will change and so will technology and relations within value chains. As a result of all this, the way the seed sector does business will change, too. Seed itself is an agent of change; it helps farmers to adapt to ecological and economic changes and it helps processors and retailers to adapt to changing needs. History has proven that we always, in the end, embrace change, so lets continue to be open to it in the future. What will be the key term that we will give to the next phase at the 125 thcelebration of ISF? A pitch has been made to make opening up the over-arching theme for the next period. The first phase of the next century of ISFs existence will be characterized by communicating beyond the seed sector itselfScenes from the Womens Lunch at ISF 2023.and collaborating with outsiders. This henceforth relates to our partners in the value chain and to society at large.We are positioned at the start of all green value chains,ship that had the visionaries who spent used companies time to providing an essential input for farmers, traders, processors,start collective action and to continually adapt ISF to emerging retailers and eventually consumers. The interests of such chainsituations and needs. The future is bright when we can continue partners may very well coincide with ours, but conflicts ofthis journey with wisdom and perseverance.interest are part and parcel of such relations, be it the distribu- What is clear is that plants will remain essential for human tion of profits along the chain, or the sharing of information.life, and so are the seeds and the international exchange and Collaboration along the value chain increases understandingtrade of seeds and related knowledge. We can also predict that and strengthens the lobby.the diversity of plant species and of demands by farmers and Not less important is the need for a stronger connectionusers will continue to require a diversity of actors in the seed with societycitizens, rather than consumers. They even- sector. They will continue to require a platform to discuss mat-tually provide us with our license to produce. Showing theters, and to organize collective representation and joint services. societal relevance of the sector and the topics that it lobbies forThese will need to be provided at different levels, including therather than advancing our immediate commercial interestsglobal level. So, however the future will look, there will be awill increasingly dictate our relationship with policymak- need for ISF, and it is certain that such the federation will have ers. This means that the sector must be open to the interestsdifferent functions and priorities than today, responding to and of others in society. This will not always be easy, particularlyco-creating global developments. where the business model of some others requires creating conflicts rather than building bridges. It thus also requires us to be open to different ways of communication and the fact that emotion is also a factor in the process of policymaking.Congrats and . . . . Carry On This article has been shortened for print. Read Parts 1 and 2 in their entirety at: Congratulations to ISF for having been highly relevant for theseedworld.com/4-quartersseed sector for a century now; congratulations to the member- seedworld.com/ISF-onwards26 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA SEPTEMBER 2024'