b'A C E N T U R Y O Fthe Department of Agriculture provided a valuable modeltime, so it was quite a breakthrough by breeders to get for many research scientists and seed growers in the U.S.,this tolerance into wheat genetics, Preater explains. Preater explains. Canada was very involved in ICIA inThe economic benefits of these varieties for produc-Setting the Standard the early days. It was uniquely positioned as a foundingers were huge, over $40 million per year, but could be member and I dont think that was ever forgotten.quickly lost if the seed was not planted as a 10% blend A relationship with Canada would also allow reciprocalwith a refuge variety. Wheat varietal blends had never recognition of seed certificates. Indeed, trade facilitationbeen certified anywhere before. Certification up to that was the primary ICIA objective. It was all about creating,point, by definition, was always for one variety. To says Preater, internationally-recognized minimum equiva- certify these varietal blends of midge tolerant wheat, the lent standards for seed certification that would allowCFIA revised seed standards and variety developers asked seed to move smoothly across the border. A few decadesCSGA to use the new ACR option for crop certification.later, AOSCA variety review boards were created, whichIn the future, as genetic testing becomes more afford-developed uniqueness eligibility requirements (such asable and cost effective, Preater can see some variety distinct, uniform and stable) for varieties entering seeddevelopers finding the ACR option useful for unique trait certification programs, a vital identity assurance functionverification.provided in Canada by the CSGA and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Opportunities on the horizonA significant step on the communication front wasGoing forward, the organization is well positioned to take taken in 1955, when ICIA members attended a CSGAadvantage of more new situations. One of these is the annual meeting for the first time. It meant a lot, Preateradvent of CRISPR and other gene editing advancements. says. It was the forging of relationships that would beIt could be huge for small and medium enterprise important at all times, but critical in a crisis.(SME) variety developers, says Preater. But whether it is genetic techniques or other indus-Adaptation to change try developments, the fact that AOSCA members can act If relationships have been essential to AOSCAs success,independently and be responsive to the needs of their so has been the willingness to evolve as the seed industrylocal markets is a definite strength. has evolved. One example of this, in the view of DaleWe have 50 member organizations across eight coun-Adolphe, occurred when private plant breeding in thetries, notes current AOSCA board president Bill Foote U.S. started up and companies began branding their vari- of the North Carolina Crop Improvement Association. eties instead of certifying them.That means a lot of collective knowledge. We have lots Certification agencies in some states struggled to stayof retirees who are still active in various programs. This alive, notes Adolphe, who is a previous CSGA executiveamount of experience is a real bonus. director and served in AOSCA for almost 15 years, includ- However, Boruff adds that, Across the board, we ing as board president. Among other options, these stateneed to build the next generation of this industry. agencies looked at certification of organic, non-GMO andExperience and historic knowledge are very important, insect refuge management. To foster these new areas ofbut we also need to get the word out that there are good certification, AOSCA hired a full-time executive director,and fascinating careers in this industry and attract tal-Chet Boruff, and that has seemed to work well. ented young people.As the seed industry became more global, AOSCAIn terms of current directions, Foote is of the view again adapted. In 2004, its governance model was restruc- that AOSCA should expand current services and also add tured from a board made up of all its member agencies tonew ones. a board with two members from each of four regions, oneWe do a lot of counter-season multiplication of seed, being international. This change, says Adolphe, greatlyand there is growth there for all countries, he says. enhanced the status and relevance of AOSCA on theI think AOSCA needs to keep its eyes open for non-world stage.traditional certification opportunities that might come up, When variety developers wanted verification stand- such as auditing and verifying acreages. I also think there ards beyond the minimum certification standards, AOSCAis the opportunity to offer different levels of certifica-(in 2012) added an Additional Certification Requirementtion. We need to ask seed producers what else they need, (ACR). This scheme allows options from increased isola- while maintaining our traditional services too. tion distance or previous land use standards to post- Because traceability and transparency in the food harvest seed testing requirements. Recent specific ACRsystem has never been a bigger issue, Boruff believes examples in the U.S. include increased (over 30 times)ASOCAs services will continue to be in demand. isolation distance certification requirements for the onlyKeeping up with the pace of change is not easy, he white-flowering, higher-protein crimson clover.concludes, and the pace is likely only to increase. But In Canada, ACR examples include the unprecedentedI believe, as they always have, AOSCA and its member protocols required to certify varietal blends of midge- agencies will keep up. tolerant wheat varieties. The insecticide sprays for this midge were difficult to apply, expensive and tough to NOVEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 5'