b'Truck Load Augers Swing Augers Truck Load Conveyors augers@meridianmfg.com augers@meridianmfg.com conveyors@meridianmfg.comBin Fill ConveyorsUnderbin Conveyors SmoothWall Binsconveyors@meridianmfg.com seed@meridianmfg.com smoothwall@meridianmfg.comMERIDIAN SEEDMAX SMOOTHWALL BINS: Corrugated BinsStainless Tanks Seed TendersDESIGNED FORcorrugated@meridianmfg.com stainless@meridianmfg.com tenders@meridianmfg.comYOUR SEED SITEMeridians SeedMax is a package of our smooth-wall bins weve designed specifically to accommodate any type of dry flowable seed product. Bulk seed sites are designed by Meridians trained dealers and offered in a variety of size configurations to accommodate your needs. SeedMax bins are designed to provide you the safest and most cost effectiveVisit www.MeridianMFG.com to find a dealer near you.seed storage solution, while helping you ensure the integrity and cleanliness required when handling seed.www.meridianmfg.com | (800) 665-7259 2019 Meridian Manufacturing Inc. Registered Trademarks used under License.(10/2019)'