b'rest is history. My favourite memoriesTHE 411 ON DAVE CAREYWeve built new alliances. Were all in are of my late dad taking me to earlythis together, something weve come morning and weekend hockey prac- Age: 33 to realize more and more through tices, games and tournaments andHometown: Oakville, Ont. Seed Synergy.watching sports and movies togetherCurrent city: Ottawa, Ont.at home in our man-cave basement. Germination: Ah yes, Seed Synergy. The School: Brock University and Schulichbig topic on everyones mind. I wont Germination: Sounds like a goodSchool of Business, York Universitybother asking you to explain what it upbringing, but whats your least fondRelationship status: Married for 8 yearsisfor those who dont know by now, memory of it? to wife Jovette Carey the search box on germination.ca will DC: That would be when my parentstell them all they need to know. What divorced. Not so much the divorceChildren: 2 does Seed Synergy represent for you itself, which was the right call, butFavourite food: Pizza and CSTA? Are you at all worried it might the move my mom, siblings and IFavourite movie: The Godfather I/II disband the team youve built?made from Aurora, Ont. to Oakville,DC: Seed Synergy is about delivering Ont. Funny how at the time I thoughtFavourite book: Shogun by James Clavell greater value to members and finding the move was akin to the end of theMotto: Fortune favours the bold. efficienciesnot staff redundancy. world, while in hindsight I may notI envision a single organization that be who I am now had we not movedwill need to do some headhunting to to a larger, more dynamic city. the hiring process, I interviewed theactually increase the number of folks executive as much as they inter- on payroll. I always say the person Germination: You now lead the CSTAviewed me. I made it clear I wantedwhose job is most at risk is mine, staff as executive director. Were youto focus a lot on policy and gettingand Im gung-ho about going ahead always a natural leader or was it anthings done, and less on house- with it while providing my team the acquired skill? keeping and processes. I wanted toleadership they deserve during the DC: I was usually the captain of myexpand the staff, which they let metransition. I think they know I have hockey teams and tended to gravitatedo60% of the staff are now mytheir back. Theyre a smart, dynamic towards leadership from a young age,hires. Weve become very multi-disci- group. It is my hope that this time maybe because I dont really likeplinary. Lauren Martin is our residentnext year, CSTA no longer exists and being told what to do. But I was alsofarm kid and lawyer and has reallywere into the beginning of the new surrounded by leaders growing up embraced her role as governmentorganization. The five organizations my parents, grandparents, aunt and& industry relations lead. Claudiocoming together is the definition of uncle were all leaders and success- Feulner, with his science background,success and anything less would be a ful in their own fields and in theirhas been a great addition as regula- kind of failure.communities. They made decisionstory affairs and trade manager/guru. in their careerssometimes toughLiz Lumsden came from publicGermination: In 2020 all five seed ones that impacted others. Theyservice to fill the role as communica- associations will vote on whether or not could always justify what they didtions and member services manager,they want to go ahead with the merger and were willing to stand by the callsjoining us at a very hectic time rightand form a single national organization. they made. My youngest sibling isbefore the joint AGM with CSGA.Are you at all concerned one or more of 10 years younger than I amwhenKristen St. Denis, our executivethem might vote no? And what happens we moved to Oakville I, in a way,administrator and meeting planner,if that occurs?became the leader and helped myremains the true backbone of CSTADC: Weve been consulting for sev-younger siblings through the transi- and our longest-serving employee.eral years now. We held six work-tion process. Were still very close. CSTA increasingly mirrors the com- shops across the country, launched panies we representwe change,seedysynergy.net, did surveys and Germination: Looking back on the pastadjust and adapt. Ive seen us buildsolicited feedback at every opportu-three years as CSTA executive director,more and more bridges over the pastnity. CSTA also updates our mem-are you happy with your decision to leadfew years. For example, weve spentbers through Trade Winds and our the organization? time working with other organizationsmembers web section on a regular DC: Absolutely, but thats because Ilike Grain Growers of Canada and thebasis. The idea of getting consensus knew what I was getting into. DuringCanadian Federation of Agriculture.is great, but what does consensus NOVEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 13'