b'Some argue things are fine the way they arebusiness through modernized and stream-with the current makeup of our industry. Howlined production systems and standards. do you respond to that? Certification processes need to be timely We can say things are going fine, but weand done with the right vigour. They also need to think about the future and what itwant to ensure they have access to the David Hansen holds for us as an industry. Bringing onemost innovative varieties that will create CropLife Canada Rep single voice to the table to deal with manyvalue for their own farm operations. Thats Seed Synergy Oversightof the issues facing our industry, werewhat were all in business forto service Committee much better under one umbrella than onthat end user.Dave joined Canterra Seedsan individual basis. We are working in aAs far as labs and inspectors go as CEO in October of 2009global economy and we need to ensurepeople who help monitor everything with and was shortly thereafteras an industry we remain competitive andrelation to qualityassuranceworking appointed president. He isattractive as it relates to investment.together with the entire value chain and an industry veteran withseed industry means we can all get and experience working inWhats the oversight committees guidinghave what we need to facilitate that whole Canada and internationally.philosophy when it comes to designing theprocess. Working under one umbrella will In 2018 he was selected asnew organization? help that.one of Germinations Top 20Ultimately, when we create a new organi-Influencers in the Canadianzation, we look at what the net benefitsThe Seed Synergy White Paper is done. What seed industry. are for members. If you think aboutare the next steps?improving member services, we canWe have contracted the services of consider issues around regulatory matters,StrategyCorp to help facilitate the creation intellectual property protection, advocacy,of this new system that were building. support functions, communications andTheyve got a very aggressive mandate to trainingall those necessary functions.see this through. We are hoping to have We also need to think about the numberthis in final draft form by July 2020. A lot of hours and effort that go into runningof work and communication has to be these individual organizations. We havedone across the country with all members skilled and competent staffing today, but aengaging. We will build on the mandate lot of the heavy lifting is reliant on mem- that has been created through the evolu-bership and volunteer time. That becomestion of the White Paperthat is going to very taxing on peoples time with thebe the framework of what were building. extreme overlap we have with some ofEven once we reach July 2020, somewhere these organizations.along the line we will start transitioning from the five entities into one and make WE HAVE LOTS OFWhat are the primary considerationsthis as seamless as possible.with regard to the benefits for the main HISTORY AND LEGACYstakeholders? How could having just one organization affect Were looking at where the value andour countrys relationship with other seed TIED UP IN THESE FIVEbenefits lie for the plant breeders creatingorgs? For example, CSTA works very well ASSOCIATIONS, ANDnew varieties. with the American Seed Trade Association. We can see its going to take a con- How can one organization keep those close THAT MEANS WE HAVE Acerted effort to ensure we as an industryworking connections?are aligned in being able to lobby for theI think one organization enhances our LOT OF PROUD PEOPLErights of breeders, and that would be aability to work with the global seed indus-huge benefit a single organization willtry, like the International Seed Federation, AROUND THE TABLE. bring to the table. for example. When we can go to them Tom Greaves From a seed growers perspective,with one solid voice, it will mean an awful their focus is on making sure they havelot more to the benefit of our farmers and the right varieties in the right place at theseed growers, as opposed to having a right time. We want to make sure theyconversation thats fractured.have the tools available to expedite their NOVEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 23'