b"Mina Kaviani, another of Navabis protgs, said his research served aSoren Seifi joined Navabi's lab in June 2017 as a postdoctoral fellow. He multifaceted function in his life. remembers Navabi as someone who incorporated creativity into his work.convincing answers for those unexpected observations,I think scientific research was a great way for him to which led us to very promising and novel findings that aremake friends. He loved science and was great at it, but he now a solid foundation for a nice research publication. had an even greater heart, she says. Of course, we miss Navabi himself published his own fair share ofhim, but I don't feel hes gone. His kindness and wisdom research65 peer-reviewed papers and 30 variety dis- lit a little flame inside each one of us who worked with closures, to be exact. He also gave over 100 conferencehim. Im sure I will come across many situations where presentations both nationally and internationally. making decision is hard, and I will simply ask myself: According to Mina Kaviani, another of Navabis prot- what would Dr. Navabi do? gs, his research served a multifaceted function in his life.NOVEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 33"