b"1,500 students and their educatorsscience, technology, engineering orthing for everyone to connect to, in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver,maththe STEM subjects. engAGeRoss adds.immersing them in a day of learningis all about motivating students to getMarty Seymour, director of indus-and exploring the diverse pathwayscurious about agriculture and what atry relations for FCC, says in this age into agriculture and food careers,career in the wide world of agri-foodof social media, it can be a challenge including science, technology, engi- may hold for them, says Johanneto get agricultures message out to neering (STEM), business and more.Ross, executive director of AITC-C. young people.The events will be held in part- Ross notes that a 2017 Teen CareerAs an industry we have to move nership with AgScape, the voiceInquiry Survey completed by Kynetecout of our echo chamber and engage of Agriculture in the Classroom indetermined that high school stu- these young people and show them Ontario, British Columbia Agriculturedents are most interested in careersthat agriculture is about more than in the Classroom Foundation andrelated to STEM, but less than 50% ofjust driving up and down a field in a the Centre de dveloppement pourstudents realized that agri-food offerstractor, Seymour says. We knew we l'exercice de la citoyennetinthese opportunities.had to do something different that Quebec. engAGe will consist of keynotewould move the needle.engAGe is basically all aboutspeakers who will share their experi- The event begins in Montreal on opening students minds to theences related to agriculture as wellNov. 19, will head to Vancouver on many amazing, diverse, and dynamicas hands-on learning activities and aFeb. 11, 2020, and will wrap up in opportunities available to them inculinary experience. Toronto in early 2020. agriculture. We know not manyIts going to be very fast-paced,For more information visit aitc-students connect a career in ag toenergetic and inspiring, with some- canada.ca/en-ca/engage NOVEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 53"