b'A C E N T U R Y O F Setting the StandardRelationships have been a cornerstone of success for the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies over its first 100 years, and they remain so as the future rushes in.Treena HeinCHICAGO, 1919.The First World War had just ended, and thebecame AOSCA in 1968). world was entering an era of not only rebuilding, but ofIn 2019, AOSCA celebrates its 100th birthday. Its a mile-fantastic new possibilitiesand risks. In the agriculturestone that deserves reflection for everyone involved. sector, a crop breeding renaissance that had started in theIts obvious off the top that any organization that reaches late 1800s desperately needed to be properly harnessed.a century in age has changed in both major and minor Unless there were standards put in place to preventways and faced its share of challengesand while a outcrossing, explains long-time Association of Officialstrong and still-relevant mandate has been a key to AOSCAs Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) Executive Director Chetsuccess, strong relationships have also been essential. Boruff, all the new varieties being developed at the timeIndeed, in Preaters view (hes served in many capaci-would lose their purity.ties at the CSGA and is now a special adviser to the In addition, notes Randy Preater of the Canadiangroup), the shared history of CSGA and AOSCA has Seed Growers Association, around that time, there werebeen a history of exchanging information, whether some really innovative types in the experimental stationsinitially with regulation adoption and adaptation, or more of Canadas Department of Agriculture and land grantrecently, in facing emerging challenges to certification and universities in the U.S. These were people who thoughtcollaborating on the development of standards for new outside the red tape box about how to build a systemNorth American crops such as industrial hemp. to get improved varieties out to farmers. That thinkingBesides CSGA and 45 U.S. state agencies, AOSCA helped spur development of ag extension services to bringmembership now includes seed certification organizations research results to end users. in New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and It was in 1919 when representatives from CSGA metSouth Africa.with their U.S. counterparts and decided to form theThe development of seed grower networks, varietal International Crop Improvement Association (ICIA, whichcertification programs and extension services supported by 4GERMINATION.CA NOVEMBER 2019'