b'Who said what? ENCE PUTS A FOCUS ON MENTALs was Iris ER sWOMENS CONF AIN alth and men iculture (AWC) tal he tal illne e ND THE BR gr on o thS!ALTH A tigma around men vancing Women in A t Sh rat n ANT BREEDER HE eak the s ars Ad 9, 2019, a eLL PL TEST king to br ning this ye la e Oct. 27-2CALLING A Wor ision in desig w ich took p c t there RT IN OUR CON s v conf n e,h t.t of information ou to TAKE PA ith $10 million to make theMeck ere c number easternight now. Theres a lo goa phonetill ex ts. t to know! wgara Falls, On toto,isWhat would you do w e for ho Falls in Nia a websitema, which s ing ld better? We wan your cas humanityMental health is a huge topic r toead,ase the stig5 d le m ey toin are helping docoming to the table and talk gri-es a pamphletr k to erwor 2 0 wor s orh ss,n akebenefitns will bein terms of, Her t we have to worInt e mo issio eat, buw uld use bre ding. Subm call. Thats gr cial and ayouo e s from the Borlaug rough plant group ofThats what people like Kev esident of commerth te ly-c drece , Kevin Werner opened up to the bank in 2009 about his mentalt judged by four board member llationa determine aborate toabout it, Meck says. D in Toronto as vice-prrnational s ient ar o ive aDuring his tenurFound c ists who c tsande with T -com-Training train and mentor ear inter eer scientis editional depr ocess of se it r 10 m llion, b touaCoinciden ess and impr ting up a national subin v ed andfculture banking ession. t s abouea inne o le in a fu iew o illne tally, the bank was in the pr standing by all employee -ch w r will beture printssclinic ove the under ho had the benefone-page pr fipee llpeople with disabilities, both visible and invisible. Kevinw a sense of the et re ognized amonthe importantof having an agriculture backgroundwas requested to be part of this sub ifand on our website. u ye mination ctuall in $ i s and have mittee to help addr tal illness.GYowont a y w g your work youperience with men ant to give themelves, or u c r tee given his ex ve gone through, I w e experiencing themsp op eg latf rm to romot eed the world! commit what I hing theyre doing in helping f e inf B peopletherts somet y, Werner says.ar o: y tellingns, whe i amilor mor / ning sigisit the website f -million-dollars war iend or someone in their fV a/10 its a frgermination.cWE HAVE TO WORK TO ERASE THE STIGMA, WHICH STILL EXISTS. barley which, it is believed,cotch innd help en could HISKY LOVERS resistancesacea sure SIris Meck COTCH W for droughtgather pWS FOR S responsibleate changetrated that ERY GOOD NE identified a geneconditions as clim am demons ith drought COV versity haveincreasingly dryor years to come. try, the te sociated wGENE DIS t Uni oite tipple f y and Biochemis s been ass at Heriot-Wat ereals industry t avour t Physiolog HvMYB1 haScientist e proof the c am of their f nal of Plan is the first time lp futur - tinue to enjoy a wee dr s of work in the Jour ley. Thisesearch idea.already he y fans con ly five year eals such as bar ved the r ought is whisk sult tr ar sancecer t-Watt Universit be bred in the futur s Dr r significantly s of ne iny concei e. Publishing the re trolsio cr todry and hotummevMYB1 con s es toler e Sciences at Her t-resistantopsolonged, gene H th and Lif e drough in 2018. A pr y. This rom the Institute of Ear thatill allowparticularly hardy of suppl ley; resistance. morficant findingh w est hitan maintain continuit ically on barPeter Morris f his is a signi ean cerealsar sential we c oject focused specifMorris says: T s withhe Europ v treme seasons, it is esimpacting yield t y. perience more ex s leading export items. Our prted yields and qualit y, one of the UK y.impac s pace and we ex hisk hiskcotch w cotch ws climate change gather tries like S oduction of SA nificant for key indus ts used in the pris sig redienone of the three ing58GERMINATION.CA NOVEMBER 2019'