b'FROM THE FEEDNovember 2019 - Vol. 24, No. 5The magazine of the Canadian seed industryPUBLISHED BY PUBLISHERIssues Ink Shawn Brook, sbrook@issuesink.com6327435 Canada Ltd.403-313 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0M2 MANAGING EDITORPhone: (204) 453-1965, Fax: (204) 475-5247 Michelle Clarke, mclarke@issuesink.comemail: issues@issuesink.com Germination.ca EDITOR Shelagh McCartan Marc Zienkiewicz, mzienkiewicz@issuesink.com @ShelaghMcCartan Though we CONTRIBUTORSTreena Hein, Alex Martin ASSOCIATE EDITORS need breeders to develop new varieties Marcel Bruins, mbruins@issuesink.com and crops, we also need scientists SUBSCRIPTIONS Julie Deering, jdeering@issuesink.com and technicians able to test them and Canada $47.25/year including GST|Foreign $95/year Kari Belanger, kbelanger@issuesink.com help achieve ISTAs mission statement, Uniformity in Seed Testing. By ISTA Germination makes no expressed or implied warranties ofADVERTISING/SALES president Steve Jones. germination.merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise,Craig Armstrong, carmstrong@issuesink.com ca/?p=10847 via @GerminationMagconcerning the use of any product and assumes no liability forDean French, dfrench@issuesink.comany injury or damage, direct or consequential, incurred fromSam Mostafa, smostafa@issuesink.comthe use of such products or services therein. Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws and regulations supersede the informationMARKETINGcontained herein. Theresa Ramsoomair, tramsoomair@issuesink.comAndres Jaramillo, ajaramillo@issuesink.comPublications Mail Agreement No. 40030841. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: CREATIVEIssues Ink Lesley Nakonechny, lnakonechny@issuesink.com403-313 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0M2 Kyle Dratowany, kdratowany@issuesink.comTheresa Ramsoomair, tkurjewicz@issuesink.comPRINTED IN CANADACIRCULATIONPlease recycle where facilities exist. Dean French, dfrench@issuesink.com Sustainable Grain @SustainGrain No part of this magazine may be reproducedWho agrees? My personal interests take without the written permission of the publisher. GERMINATION.CA me to food. Im not interested in big yields GERMINATIONMAG |@GERMINATIONMAGor commodity agriculture anymore. GERMINATION germination.ca/?p=11188 via@GerminationMag2GERMINATION.CA NOVEMBER 2019'