b'industry stakeholders to all different kinds of farmers andway to differentiate yourself in the marketplace except end users so we can begin this conversation, says Tjaden. for the generic quality characteristics of the crop you grow, he adds. Seed as Food Of course, no crop can grow without a growing Tjaden sees a future where seed varietiescereals inmedium like soil, and one of the goals of regenerative particularhave customer-facing traits bred into themagriculture is to restore soil health, a message Ananda like specific flavours and textures, effectively turningFitzsimmons delivered. Prior to forming Regeneration seeds into miniature powerhouses that provide end usersCanada, Fitzsimmons co-founded Inocucor (now known with exactly what they are looking for.as Concentric Ag) which commercializes agricultural Enter people like Shane Paterson, vice-president ofproducts based on naturally occurring microorganisms. Growers International Organic Foods, an affiliate ofThe future of agriculture is about understanding the Paterson GlobalFoods. He spoke on the topic of emergingnatural process of the soil ecosystem and looking at how markets for identity-preserved value claims. According toto optimize it, but that work has never been done. There Paterson, modern seed industry paradigms can ultimatelyare billions of organisms in there that work in synergy undermine the potential of new varieties that are tailoredand natures design was to recycle nutrients and deliver specifically to unique market segments. them to the plant, she says. There are a lot of opportunities that stem right fromBut Paterson cautions that it will take time, and a good the genetic level. If you have a variety with better nutrientdose of practicality, to revolutionize the agriculture indus-content and better flavour profile that could hit it big in atry for the years ahead.certain market, are you ultimately doing it a disservice byWhile we all have ideals that we want to shoot for, co-mingling it with other varieties in the class and lettingreality has to fit into the picture. People dont change it be just a commodity? farming practices for the good of the world if it means Paterson says the seed industry and all of agriculturetheir family isnt going to eat. I see opportunities at events are starting to begin thinking of new ways to do busi- like this for connecting producers and consumers through nessand thats where identity-preserved systems likea value chain that justifies changes in behaviour that organic farming and regenerative agriculture fit in. might benefit the environment. Farm incomes are at all-time lows and theres no NOVEMBER 2019GERMINATION.CA 57'