b'CSAAC / SEEDANALYSTS.CA / CSAAC ANALYSTS FOLLOW STRICT PROTOCOLSWHY THE CSAAC SEAL IS THE KEY TO QUALITYCERTIFIED SEED THAT is sold to producers has gone throughThe panels cover all six CFIA crop a rigorous regulatory process before it goes to the field.groupings over a three-year cycle.The crop is regulated throughout the growing period,The CFIA will inform the lab of the fields are inspected, and the crop is harvested. Theany inconsistencies and corrective seed is then sampled and sent for testing at an accreditedaction must be takenthis too is lab. This is where government-accredited seed testingmonitored to ensure compliance. labs enter the picture. The lab ensures that the seed thatLabs must also perform internal mon-is entering the market meets the purity and germinationitoring every year to verify the labs standards required. proficiency in testing seed against the Krista Erickson,How do you know that all of the seed being testedlab and regulatory standards. These CSAAC Executiveacross Canada meets an approved, uniform standard?Therecords will be available for review Director Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulates the labsby the auditors.through audits performed by the Canadian Seed InstituteIn addition to the government (CSI). Initially, a lab must design a quality assurancerequired monitoring of seed labs, manual that includes the guidelines set out by the CFIA.some labs have chosen to have their seed analysts become members of the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada (CSAAC).THE CFIA WILL INFORM THE LAB OF ANYMember analysts are required by CSAAC to maintain educational INCONSISTENCIES AND CORRECTIVE ACTION MUSTstandards to ensure they are cur-BE TAKENTHIS TOO IS MONITORED TO ENSURErent with the industry and consist-ent in their seed testing procedures. COMPLIANCE. Regular bulletins are sent out to the members through the CSAAC office to ensure they are immediately aware of changes in government regulations After receiving an application for accreditation fromso that seed is analyzed to the most the lab, the CFIA will send out an auditor to ensure thecurrent standard. lab is following its quality manual and the manual andCSAAC works with CFIA on the lab meet all the CFIA requirements. Sample proficiencyMethods and Procedures for Testing testing is also done at this time. A successful seed testingSeed (M & P) committee where they laboratory will be given a letter of accreditation and anprovide, accept and review potential accreditation number. Please look for this number onproposals for changes to the M & P your seed testing Reports of Analysis. to ensure that the regulations reflect An accredited lab will be audited by qualified auditorswhat is happening in the seed indus-and technical experts from CSI every three years. Theytry. The discussions resulting from will do an onsite inspection of the lab to ensure that thethis relationship have proven to be of lab is following its Quality Manual, the Seed Laboratorybenefit to the industry, the seed labs, Audit and Accreditation Protocol, the Canadian Methodsgovernment and producers.and Procedures for Testing Seed, the Canadian SeedsRemember to look for the CFIA Act and Regulations, any industry regulations and theaccreditation number of the lab and procedures and work instructions designed for that labthe CSAAC Seal and signature of and their customers.the CFIA accredited analyst/CSAAC Once a lab is accredited, they receive two proficiencymember to ensure that your seed testing panels every year. Labs must pass these proficiencyhas been analyzed to the highest panels to maintain their laboratorys scope of accreditation.standard. 10GERMINATION.CA NOVEMBER 2019'