b'The Headlines Business | People | Policy | Product | ResearchSubmissions welcome: news@issuesink.comPEOPLE product advancement, variety licens- However, this was not the outcome ALLIANCE SEED NAMES JIM BAGSHAW ASing and strategic planning for targeteddespite the efforts within GB8 to find GENERAL MANAGER segments. workable compromises on critical Alliance Seed announced Jim Bagshawprinciples. as their new general manager. InPOLICYthis role, he will be responsible forITPGRFA REJECTS COMPROMISERESEARCHleading the day-to-day operationsON ACCESS & BENEFIT SHARINGSTUDY REVEALS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR of Alliance Seed, including pipelineENHANCEMENTS TOWARD GM LABELLINGand strategic development, seed salesThe Governing Body of theConsumers were more willing to and grower relations. Bagshaw bringsInternational Treaty on Plant Geneticbuy unlabelled produce after being to Alliance Seed an innovative andResources for Food and Agricultureshown food tagged as genetically entrepreneurial focus with over 25(ITPGRFA) concluded its 8th sessionmodified in a new Cornell University years experience in the Canadian(GB8) with a rejection of a com- study, which comes as a new U.S. agricultural industry, the companypromise package on enhancing thefederal law requiring genetically said. Previously he was the directorMultilateral System (MLS) of accessmodified organism disclosure labels of sales for Canterra Seeds where heand benefit sharing for plant geneticon food products goes into effect. If managed all operational and adminis- resources for food and agriculture.a consumer was presented first with trative aspects of the sales team acrossThe GB8 was hoped to result in thean apple labelled non-genetically Western Canada. Prior to that, he wasapproval of a package of measuresmodified, the shoppers preference the cereals product lead for Norththat would enhance the Multilateralfor it was 67.2%statistically even America at Syngenta Canada where heSystem by expanding the crop scopewith the their initial preference for an was responsible for commercializationand adopting a revised Standardunlabelled apple. In other words, the of cereal varieties in Canada includ- Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA)non-GM label is not stigmatizing the ing development of genetics direction,for the exchange of genetic resources.unlabelled product, the study says.Providing Processing & HandlingSolutions for YOUR Business forover 35 YearsIn-HouseOptical SortingWWW.CANSEEDEQUIP.COMDemonstrations1-800-644-8397On-Site Setup& Training 54GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'