b'WORLD STATUSGhana opens the door to GM crops while Nepals first vegetable seed company plans to develop hybrid seed for brassica vegetables.AUSTRALIAA NEW HIGH-YIELDING wheat is set to become a headline act in 2020, with the western Australian launch of the newly classified Australian Hard variety RockStar.RockStar provides a robust, flexible variety option to reduce the impact of seasonal vari-ability on spring crops and generate profitable yields, its developers say.The new release was produced by Western Australian cereal breeding company InterGrain, which is co-owned by the state government and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.are also ready to move forwardAnd we are in support of GHANA with NEWEST rice, which hasthat, says Kwabena Frimpong GHANAS PARLIAMENT has approved regulationsbeen engineered to requireBoateng, Ghanas Minister that open the door for the country to commer- less nitrogen fertilizer, toleratefor Environment, Science, cialize genetically modified (GMO) crops. drought conditions and grow inTechnology and Innovation.The regulations pave the way for the commer- salty soilsand still give goodIn Ghana, most laws passed cialization of insect-resistant Bt cowpea, whichyield. by parliament must be backed will allow farmers to dramatically reduce their useTo improve crops, weby subsidiary legislation before AWB_Germination-Jan2020.pdf 1 2019-12-13 1:57:13 PMof pesticides and boost their yields. Researchershave to modify the genomes.they can be implemented. The CMYCMMYCYCMYKSeeds of Wildflowers & Garden Flowers\x1f Regional, Special Use & Custom Mixtures\x1f Hundreds of Species in StockFor a catalog, call: 303.431.7333 or email :sales@applewoodseed.comShop online at applewoodseed.com52GERMINATION.CA JANUARY 2020'